2 - The family's main core.

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█▄█ —A blessing?— Hikari asked as she looked ahead but listening to her friend. —But you do not think that the magic is being forgotten, that is, look at all other people as they can live quietly with only science.— Hikari added, —Do not you think magic can be obsolete?— The blue-haired asked her dragon.

╣♦╠ —Science huh...— The tiny dragon seemed thoughtful for a moment, stopping his advance and remaining on the air, behind his master. —Ahh!— He reached the blue haired again and kept flying by her side. —You always talk as if it wouldn't be anything necessary... Those that use the science as a resort is because they don't know magic! And their science is of little use against monsters or bakemono.—

—Hikari... Hanzo-sama will be angry if he keeps noticing your doubts about all this... You know it is your destiny to become a mighty magician, onmyouji, hunter... Whatever the term they use for it nowadays, hehe~— Yuki floated around Hikari's head drawing a few circles and then stopped close to her face, rubbing his head on the girl's left cheek.

█▄█ Hikari several times spoke with Yuki about the utility of magic, wanting him to understand that magic is not as important as her clan's belief, but whenever Yuki used the same argument she was lost in words.

—I just want to have a normal life.— Hikari said stroking her friend, —but I wonder why I can never win any argument against you— She added.

Yuki was right, science could not defend people against various threats like monsters, youkai, or more, but Hikari refused to accept being the next successor to such a thing.

╣♦╠ —Because you know yourself that I'm right, of course!— The dragon said with a funny tone yet a reaffirming one. —You saw their energy, you could feel it... Chen, Amari, Haroko... All of them are your friends, but none are awakened. If a monster appears, you are the only one that can defend them. Isn't it something wonderful?—

Then the dragon added with a small tone of sadness. —Though they probably won't remember about it... The Limiter is truly the worst enemy...— He said and disappeared again. Hikari was still obviously perceiving her familiar's energy.

The Limiter was basically a big mystery that nobody could say anything certain about... Was it an entity? Was it a global scale spell? A rule of this world?.... Fact is, it was the thing causing that most of the humans (and even not humans) would totally ignore magic or even forget about it if they ever faced it.

█▄█ —T-that ... that would be awful.— Hikari nodded after imagining her friends being attacked by dangerous monsters. But in spite of that, Hikari loved the normal life she had.

—You're right, but is not there anyone else who can handle the job?— Hikari asked the dragon who was now invisible. —I'm sure there's someone better suited than I am.— She added wanting to leave her burden to someone else.

╣♦╠ —Hhmmm... Who knows! I think you are the best suited one! After all you can summon ME!— Yuki said with a funny prideful tone, trying to cheer the girl's mood but not giving a proper answer to it, perhaps elluding the theme.

█▄█ Hikari who was beginning to get depressed by the subject, hearing the words of her friend could not help but start laughing. —Haha, I suppose you're right, but in spite of that I will not give up, I still do not accept the ideas of my clan.— Hikari said to her friend but this time smiling. —Besides, what about the other clan, the Raiten, are not they powerful enough?— Hikari asked Yuki.

The second floor was a large corridor full of sliding doors, which, like the rest of the house, was made of marbled wood with its doors with a white square design of a paper-like material, which could easily be seen the silhouette of who was on the other side, something that Hikari did not like. But of all the rooms, there was one that stood out and was the one at the end of the corridor, this one despite being lined with wood, had a normal door with a sign on the which had written the name of Hikari, indicating that it was the room of her.

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