8 - Not so mad at all, right?

17 1 0

╣♦╠ Soma nodded. —Hikari-sama just saw me using The Way of Light. Right? Light has many different arts or styles, such as lightning and fire, so its uses can be different depending on what you specialize on, really few people dominate all what that way has to offer... Well, rarely anyone can perfectly control or dominate the entirety of a way... It is normal to learn small spells of other ways.—

After the explanation, the kitsune expanded even more the lesson and smirked, slightly overconfident. —The spell you witnessed before needed to use more than a different way in order to prepare it. Spells that either are not entirely dependant of a certain way, or that mixes the usages of other ways are called styles or arts.—

█▄█ —Styles or arts?— Hikari repeated what Soma said, —So what you did recently, your energy was drained because you used several ways to cast the spell before?— The blue haired asked, forgetting that she had the free pass to leave.

╣♦╠ Soma seemed to be rather proud of herself when having to explain this, she blushed and smirked. —Exactly! It was the Heavenly Art. It mixes the power of the Wind, Defensive, and Pure ways. Generally, though not always being like that, arts use the maximum power of two or three ways. While styles are a variation of a way, or spells that don't usually fit into a certain way but are in the middle of it. With time, Hikari-sama will probably also learn some basic spells of this. After all, Heavenly Art is a legacy of our ancestors.—

The nine tailed was so enthusiasted when having to explain it that she talked rather fast while holding still that proud smirk mixed with a blush.

█▄█ Hikari although until recently was listening carefully all that Soma said, could not avoid lowering her shoulders and put a complicated expression on her face, but it was only for small seconds, because she did not want to start arguing with Soma about the succession.

Hikari returned to her usual mood, —that's a bit complicated, I'm not sure I can use a style.— Hikari added, and this time she did not know how to respond but then remembered that Soma had tell that she could finish the class.

—The class was interesting.— Hikari said with her usual smile. —But let's leave it for today, what do you think, Soma-chan?— The blue haired added, wanting to keep Soma digging deeper into the subject of the succesion.

╣♦╠ Soma had a funny and shocked expression for a second, probably noticing she was exceeding herself with the explanations. —O-oh! But, a deal is a deal, right? This concludes today's training, Hikari-sama~ — Soma made a few steps backwards so the path to the classroom's door would be clear. —I heard you will assist to a birthday party this afternoon, right? I wish you'll get a lot of fun there—

The nine tailed acted rather formal and obliging, bowing slightly and a bit more respectful towards Hikari, now that her loli-sensei mode ended.

█▄█ « I still find it incredible how Soma's attitude changes completely when she starts and finishes her classes » Hikari thought as she looked at Soma.

But after a few seconds, Hikari stand up and approached Soma for then began to caress her head. —Hehe, I'm sorry for all the trouble, Soma-chan.— The blue haired girl said without ceasing to caress Soma.

« The party, With what happened with otousama I'm not sure if I can go »

╣♦╠ Soma blushed a little, not knowing how to react at all, her ears twitched and her tails moved a little as she was being petted.

█▄█ Hikari then moved her hand away from Soma. —Are we going to see otousama?— Hikari asked the shikigami ahead, who was blushing.

—I hope he's not upset.— She added looking at Soma.

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