36 - A really angry kitsune. Doomed?

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█▄█ —How is that any justice?! Look at her! I know Soma-sama was stern with her punishments for you, but taking revenge on one person who never did anything wrong to us? That's not justice, and not even revenge, that's just being a psychotic sadist who gets others hurt as long as they feel good!— Reiko said to the kitsune

—You are better than this Yukira... I know you long enough to realize that.— Reiko added after a while, many conflicting feelings causing a chaos inside of her

She wanted to be loyal to Yukira... but kitsune's actions at that moment were simply wrong, and she couldn't believe that she would do something like that to defenseless at the moment Hikari...

╣♦╠ It would seem that the stubborn kitsune was really set into giving the clan's heiress a punishment worth of all her effort and sacrifice spent/wasted on the clan. Reiko's words rather than to help her only made her feel as if she'd be betrayed by her own friend in some sense? Yukira was never of the thoughtful type to start with.

—Are you prefering her on top of me?! Because you totally are talking as if whatever I do is wrong, you are ignoring all I say, bakareiko! — Yukira angrily threw the pipe away as she clenched a fist, visibly mad.

—I think this might be the first time I have to give you a good beating so you get to wake up! Did they brainwash you? I can't understand why your loyalty to someone like her can be higher than your friendship!—

Yukira was not really judging whether if Hikari deserved that anymore, she was most likely butthurt about Reiko's words at that moment than anything else.

It was also at the best moment of tension that Hikari could see how two of the strange shadows plagued of teeth approached them, they went out from the cinema's rooms and hurried to the hall, by Yukira's back.

█▄█ —Yukira! Behind you!— Reiko pointed behind the kitsune as she tried to summon one of her energy weapons to stab the beast behind her kitsune childhood friend at the same time

╣♦╠ While Reiko called out that and she began to focus and concentrate her energy on a weapon, Yukira's fox ears twitched and she turned towards them. Angrily punching one of the beasts with all her strenght and madness of the moment. Even if it meant that the teeth hung on her fist a little while doing so.

—Don't fucking interrupt us now!— The angry kitsune yelled, sending the beast she punched towards one of the nearby walls, yet the other one was still getting close to her.

█▄█ Reiko tried to summon her bow in order to shoot the beast before it approaches

╣♦╠ It is true that Reiko's energy was still low even if she was recovering it at a rather high speed in comparison with everyone there. (For example Hikari didn't recover a single bit of it). But yet, in the emergency of the situation she managed to give form to her remaining energy, summoning the white-silver bow on her hands and being able to shot just one arrow before the bow would disappear by itself.

It was an accurate shot that hit the second beast and made it disappear.

The one that was still quite alive and just moving and curling on the nearby wall out of the pain was the one punched by Yukira, physical damage might not worked so good on those as the Heavenly Arts did.

█▄█ —Yukira, you have to finish it, I am out of energy for now...—Reiko said, pointing at Yukira's pipe implying that Yukira should use it instead of punching

╣♦╠ Yukira looked at her own bleeding fist and then snorted, quickly approaching to her pipe and recovering it. Then jumping against the creature and giving it a good hit with it, making it scream.

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