47 - The Yamamoto returns

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█▄█ « S-so... Suranael is not only real, but can be summoned just like that?! I guess we owe to her the dark energy stealing power that broke through the barrier here... » Reiko thought worried

╣♦╠ —W-well... We are still here, right? That's the important thing. She said something about that she didn't mind getting rid off the sky's issues but that she'd take all the 'delicious' monsters around. So that is why that darkness extended, probably... I can't remember anything else, we woke up after the darkness disappeared and the sun was greeting us.— Hanzo shrugged, still smiling.

—It is funny to imagine that. The demon goddess being summoned by that Kyuubi that is now reborn as Hisuke Tenmei, and then saving us... And the pay to price was just part of our energy.... — Shizuka, the miko said from a corner of the room, even if she was there almost unnoticed and correct as always she made the last comment about it, thoughtful.

█▄█ —What would she need all that energy for...— Reiko finally decided to pitch into the conversation

╣♦╠ —That's definitely a good question. I'd say that for fixing the spatiotemporal fissure, but coming from The Chaos I would not trust her at all... Probably she used it for something we couldn't notice or won't notice yet.— Hanzo commented.

—Thinking about it o-only makes me sh-shiver... Guess I should prepare again the temple's ba-barrier.— The inugami commented and nodded, slowly getting up.

█▄█ « I wonder how does raising a powerful barrier like that look like? But I shouldn't intrude, I guess I already made Keita-sama nervous enough with that sudden foot pampering... » Reiko thought seeing the inugami getting up

╣♦╠ —Fe-feel free to stay inside the temple all the time you need.— The cute dog boy smiled as he looked to everyone there, then he graciously jumped over the kotatsu and landed close to the door, looking at Shizuka, whom nodded and and followed him.

Both the inugami and the miko left the room, leaving Hanzo, Hikari and Reiko there.

Hanzo's side turned to the girls. —Well, we should come back home after all. Visiting the Inuchi temple from time to time is not a bad idea, even if Keita-sama is so shy about such things, he really appreciates having the visit of our clans. Dreamers don't even know that he is this temple's inugami after all.— The clan leader also got up.

█▄█ —I can't believe I haven't visited here before. It seems like a nice place.— Reiko said, getting up as well ready to follow her clan's leader

╣♦╠ —Of course it is, after Soma recovers from her wounds you might ask her to train near the temple area anytime. — Hanzo commented and then he walked to the door. —Now then, I must hurry up. Please take care of each other.—

Hanzo commented, leaving the room and closing behind.

Hikari seemed surprised and wanted to ask something but her father left too fast. —S-soma-chan...—

█▄█ —Soma-sama got hurt?!— Reiko asked in surprise as well, getting up and quickly following after Hanzo

╣♦╠ Hanzo was walking through the corridor, but he was not so fast as his words suggested. Hikari followed Reiko after seeing that the cat girl actually had a faster reaction than her.

—Don't worry, she's a nine tailed kitsune after all. We are already treating her wounds.— Hanzo said, arriving to the temple's entrance where the footwear were and then heading to the main hall.

█▄█ —True... but still...— Reiko mumbled while following Hanzo, she couldn't help but be worried for the little kitsune who was her teacher for past few months

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