9 - The mysterious rabbit girl.

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╣♦╠ Hikari finished her preparations for the party, all it was remaining was merely to buy at least a present for her friend Amaiko.

—It looks good on you, perhaps a bit fancy for the party though, hehe~— Yuki commented.

Both master and spirit were leaving behind the Yamamoto clan's area.

█▄█ —Hehe~ I got an idea of what dress I should buy her already, even! So I hope mine won't be that fancy in comparison with the gift one— Hikari smiled as she took a last glance at the gardens of the house and the magical barrier that covered the entrance.

She remembered about the problems Soma got into for her sake today and felt a bit uneasy about it yet.

« At least father allowed me to go to the party... » Thought and continued walking through the streets, heading towards the park where they'd gather before the party, and especifically aiming to visit the shop to buy the present.

╣♦╠ Just as Hikari kept advancing through the not-so active streets of the western district, a more traditional-looking place with way less people around, and houses instead of buildings. The heiress of the Yamamoto clan noticed a certain rabbit girl approaching her.

There was something curious about that girl, she was walking straight towards Hikari, looking at her. She was wearing a rather traditional outfit herself, similar to the ones families like Hikari's would use, a nice short Yukata, white colored with blue details. The girl had a long blue hair and red eyes.

But that was not the curious part about all this, no, the energy field of hers was a rather black and dense light that had golden sparkles, and the closer the girl got to Hikari, the bigger that field seemed to become.

But that was not the curious part about all this, no, the energy field of hers was a rather black and dense light that had golden sparkles, and the closer the girl got to Hikari, the bigger that field seemed to become

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█▄█ « Eh?... What's that energy field, at all?... » Hikari thought, utterly confused. It wasn't the first time she saw such a field in her life, but they were definitely not common at all, even less the fact it was getting bigger just by approaching her.

« It's probably linked to one of the Thirteen Ways of the Energy as Soma-chan said, but... I can't remember which one is this at all... » The Yamamoto heiress smiled nervously, but she tried to ignore that, she decided that magic was not so important after all, she just had to arrive to the party and enjoy it with her friends.

╣♦╠ At a certain moment, the blue haired rabbit girl seemed about to collide with Hikari on purpose, but she just passed by a side, and then let out a —You suck.— As some kind of salute, or something... Definitely nothing nice to tell a stranger.

█▄█ —.... Eh?....— Hikari turned to look at the girl, even more confused, why would that strange one suddenly tell her that? She didn't understand it at all. —Uhm... Did you say something?— She decided to ask to the stranger, just in case.

╣♦╠ The mysterious girl also stopped her march and turned to a side, glancing at Hikari, her energy field didn't seem to have any weird vibration or anything, nor her expression either, yet she replied a quiet emotionless —You suck.— Repeating and confirming once more her commentary.

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