22 - The mysterious rabbit girl.

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█▄█ Reiko walked inside, bowing to Hanzo politely after getting a bit closer

╣♦╠ —Reiko, it's been a while. — He commented with his serious but gentle voice, keeping his smile as often. —I'd like to know by your own words how your training is progressing, but I am afraid we don't have time for it. Today your actions will speak for you.—

█▄█ —Soma-sama already told me that I am supposed to escort Hikari-sama today... but isn't it usually Soma-sama's duty to protect her?— Reiko decided to ask

╣♦╠ —My my. Jumping straight to that question?— Hanzo slightly chuckled, then he turned slightly his head to Soma for a moment.
—Yes, that's it. It is usually Soma's task to take care of Hikari's protection. — The clan leader said and then his head turned towards Reiko once more. —But tonight is a special occasion, it is also your chance to show how good your training have gone.—

█▄█ —I'm ready to do whatever clan expects of me of course! It's just a little bit sudden, that's all...— Reiko said, still a bit confused about why was she the chosen one today

╣♦╠ —It is.— Hanzo nodded. —Indeed it is sudden. The situation required it like this. Soma.— He called out to the nine tailed who made a few steps forward and then raised a hand's forefinger.
—Hai, Hanzo-sama, I'll explain it for you, Reiko! The city will be having 'probably' an emergency tonight. Hanzo-sama will have an urgent reunion with Danzo-sama from the Raiten clan, Holy Spirits guild... Meanwhile, I shall remain here and defend our clan's grounds in case something happens. — Soma commented.

█▄█ —So Hikari-sama will be going for the meeting too?— Asked the catgirl, since if Hikari stayed at home, she obviously wouldn't be needed after all

╣♦╠ —No, Hikari-sama had to attend to a friend's birthday party this evening. Hanzo-sama is worried something might, or might not happen to her while she's away from home. Your task will be to take a look at it during a safe distance, and make sure to act if something goes wrong.— Soma continued explaining and then nodded

█▄█ —Oh... that sounds fairly safe actually. But I will do my best of course! Nonetheless... what do you mean by 'safe distance'? I suspect if someone noticed me looking from outside windows they could just call the police thinking I am a robber or something.— Reiko asked

╣♦╠ Hanzo sighed, a bit disgusted even if he kept his smile. The big purple aura that surrounded his body and collided a little with Soma's seemed to have a few changes on its size, definitely agitated.
—Sadly, my daughter is still being too careless about her duty with the clan. —

█▄█ « Judging from his aura, Hanzo-sama is more upset about that than he shows... » Reiko thought as she listened to the leader

╣♦╠ —Well, here is where our power is useful, Reiko!— Soma said, cheerfully and clenching a fist. —You can just look at them from the distance, and if they are in a building or anything just guard the entrance, or occasionally try to look and see if you notice any weird energy field or flux close to her. —

█▄█ —Understood!— Reiko nodded, feeling pumped but also a bit stressed about her first escort mission, after all she was to guard the heiress of the clan herself, if she messed up, she could end up like Yukira... or worse.

╣♦╠ Hanzo waved a hand as if trying to reduce the importance of the task. —Well, I can understand you might feel a bit nervous about this task, Reiko. But we are just taking preventive measures, there's a high chance nothing will happen, even less to her. Take the chance to put in practice all you learned.—
Soma nodded to reaffirm the words of her master.

█▄█ —As you wish Hanzo-sama! I will make sure that Hikari-sama stays safe!— Reiko said, a bit reassured to know that Hanzo knew it was making her a bit nervous

╣♦╠ —Here is the part where we should use complicated spells to locate her and then you could run to that position, yet... Soma.— Hanzo's head again slightly turned towards his shikigami, who nodded and pulled out a phone.
—Hikari-sama loves new technologies, she always carries her phone with her! Hmmm... Oh, she seems to be in the 'Rotten as hell' park! Close to the cinemas. That's where you should check, Reiko— The nine tailed raised a thumb

█▄█ —Rotten as hell? Who came up with that name... Anyway, I will be off to protect her then! See you later, Hanzo-sama, Soma-sama.— Reiko said, bowing to the two and turning away to leave the room already, after all they said it was urgent so she preferred to not waste too much time

╣♦╠ —Good luck with it!— Soma said while waving at her

█▄█ Reiko smiled at the kitsune shikigami as she waved back and left the room, and then turning towards the exit from the building
« Alright Reiko, you can't mess it up! Hanzo-sama and Soma-sama believe in you! » The catgirl psyched herself up while walking through the corridors

╣♦╠ Without any doubt, the sudden emergency in the city made it so Reiko would have her first important mission rather early, and it was none other than defending the clan's heiress while she was happily enjoying her time with her friends, celebrating a birthday.

Was Hanzo really trying to just make the things look simpler to Reiko so she'd calm down? Or the mission would really be risky? Only time would tell.
The cat girl left the main building after wearing back her sandals and walked through the gardens, the sun was beginning to hide and some parts of the place already began to look quite dark, the lights were beginning to lit on as well.
Trespassing the barrier that protected the clan's grounds felt a bit weird and nostalgic, but after she did, there she was. Alone and outside the place where she was raised and worked so hard, going for a new mision outside.
The streets of the western district were not so crazy populated as the other districts of the city, even less at that hour, there was nobody she could see at the moment.

█▄█ « It's a bit creepy with so few people there... but anyway gotta reach my destination, the 'Rotten as hell' park... who came up with such a dumb name for a park, seriously? » The catgirl thought while going towards her destination

╣♦╠ Little could Reiko walk away from the clan's residence until she found something curious or that would call her attention. Something made her shiver a little when she noticed that the first person she found on the streets was just sat with her back resting on one of the houses' external walls. It was a rabbit girl of blue-ish hair and red eyes, weaking some kind of short kimono.
The appearance was not what called the attention about her, when Reiko got close enough she could glimpse that the usagi's energy field was entirely black, having golden sparks and different lights around it. It was the first time she saw one like that, but she knew what it meant.
Affinity with the Supreme Way, the control of space and time, a rare one. Of course it would not mean the girl sitting there and glancing at the floor as if she'd be about to hang herself would be awakened or could use a magic related to her nature.
She raised her head slightly and looked at Reiko.

She raised her head slightly and looked at Reiko

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█▄█ « Huh? What's with that girl... her aura is so unusual, and I get really unsettling vibes from her for some reason... » Reiko thought when the strange rabbit looked at her

╣♦╠ The girl's strange energy suddenly began to form spikes around her and increased its size, she quickly brought a hand to her face, covering half of it, and grunting a little on pain as if she'd be suffering a headhache of some sort.
—Ugh... Who... Who are you?— She asked, confused and slowly getting up, taking a look at Reiko, it was difficult to tell if she was surprised or confused or what, her expression was just slightly forced to show a little her pain.

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