6 - Exaggerating a bit, Sora no Yari.

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█▄█ Hikari, who feared Soma, slowly pulled out her tongue. « This is humiliating » She thought as she brought her tongue to Soma's foot.

╣♦╠ —I know it's humiliating, but hopefully in order to avoid this the next time you'll take the things more seriously!— She scolded the older girl, blushing slightly when she noticed the wet feeling suddenly touching the bottom of her foot like that.

█▄█ « Bleh? Even though it have some sweat do not feel bad. Again? Why does not it bother me? » Hikari thought as she licked the heel of Soma.

«Is it a curse or something?» The blue haired thought innocently without knowing the obvious reason.

╣♦╠ The little foot of her kitsune sensei was rather soft as expected, being honest with herself Hikari could understand that it didn't feel that bad at all, the opposite... Except that this was still hurting her pride.

—Y-yes, keep it like that while I explain the concept.— Soma commented. « It feels so nice yet... Wrong. »

█▄█ —Mhm.— Hikari only exclaimed as nodding. Then she began to raise her head with her tongue on the heel of Soma, licking from the heel to reach almost the toes. Savoring some of the sweat, but feeling the soft texture of the foot.

╣♦╠ —As you can see, energy flows inside my body, as it does flow inside any living being, it forms part of us after all. It can be used even unconsciously, for example dreamers even use the energy that is flowing within their body for doing great mental efforts or physical ones when it requires, nothing that out of extraordinary.... Anyways, the energy field...— She made an uneasy stop, enjoying this a little and blushing as she shyly rubbed her foot up and down Hikari's town, easening her task to lick.

█▄█ « This, this is not something normal girls do, right? » Hikari wondered in her mind as she gave another equally long lick but this time helped by the same kitsune.

╣♦╠ —It is... Uhm, basically our reserve of energy, our magical power, it means many things, but... For example, being a nine tailed kitsune It is said I got a big amount of energy, you could probably have noticed already than my field, the light that surrounds my body... Is way bigger than Hanzo-sama's, even.—

█▄█ Even though Hikari knew it was not right, she could not help but feel some pleasure in licking the small kitsune's foot. —Mhm.— The blue movie nodded at her sensei's explanation as she began to lick the heel in circle..

╣♦╠ Soma held her heel on Hikari's tongue, enjoying the feeling of her tongue around it while she continued the explanation. —If all that energy would suddenly get into my body and form part of its usable flux, I'd be in a serious problem, it'd damage my internal organs, and even probably destroy my energy circulation or generation in the cases it would not cause me a certain death.—

—S-so... That's why we have an energy field, around us, the bigger or more intense it is, the more remaining energy we got.. It's an important indicator to tell you when someone is using magic or when they are about to lose all their energy. Basically, the energy field administrates and feeds our flux, until there's no longer any energy remaining.—

█▄█ « This is wrong, if some of my friends find out it will be much worse than being a monster for them. » Hikari thought but unable to stop her licking, and this time giving a long lick from the tip of the heel to the tip of the toes.

╣♦╠ « A-ah.. T-this is a shame, what would Hanzo-sama think of me if he'd know I'm enjoying to humiliate Hikari-sama like this... Uh... Focus! This is not the true aim of these lessons! »

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