35 - Loyalty vs Friendship or Stupidity vs Logic?

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█▄█ —Huh? Could it be... limiter started working?— Reiko said seeing the disappearance.

Seeing the disappearances Reiko looked around again, perhaps the limiter destroyed the beasts on the upper floor of the cinema as well?

╣♦╠ —Hmmm... I have read about this thing before, but can't remember at all... — Yukira said and she looked at Hikari, she sure noticed now that the heiress of the clan was there? The poor white haired girl was kinda lost with this situation, people disappearing, the friend that was celebrating birthday exploding...

—Oi!... Isn't her Hikari?!— Yukira exclaimed, surprised.

Reiko could still not feel anyone's energy, so whether if the monsters were still or not was difficult to tell.

█▄█ Reiko ran up to Hikari to check on her again, after all she also wasted a lot of energy.

—Hikari-sama? Are you alright?— She asked, approaching the heiress

╣♦╠ Hikari was kneeling on the floor, effect of the booming shockwave effect of before. Seeing that Reiko came to check her she extended her hands toward her. —W-we must close the doors fast, right?— She was still utterly confused with the situation.

█▄█ —Yeah, we don't know if limiter made those beasts vanish completely or not. Better to stay the night at the cinema anyway...— Reiko said reassuringly putting her hand on Hikari's shoulder again for a moment, and going to close the door

╣♦╠ —I don't know what's going on... Where are Jimmy and Chen?— Hikari asked, the movie they were watching surely turned wrong.

—Well well, if it is the clan's ojou-sama after all. I can easily create a natural barricade on the door, hmph! But you'll have to ask for it, and ask nicely— Yukira said while approaching Hikari with a smirk.

█▄█ —Yukira, OUR lives are at stake too now, it's not a moment to make some weird demands.— Reiko told to the kitsune, as she locked the door and tried to get Yukira to help move some objects to block them

╣♦╠ —Do you really think a few objects can hold those things, Reiko? Heh!— Yukira was still rather happy and smuggy with this situation as she looked back at the terrified Hikari, whom was still kneeling on the floor.

—I-I'll go and help— Hikari was about to get up, but Yukira put the pipe on her shoulders, preventing her from doing so.

—Wait wait a moment, you didn't beg for my help yet, Hi-ka-ri-sa-ma~—

█▄█ —Oi, Yukira! Leave Hikari-sama alone!— Reiko said and approached the kitsune

╣♦╠ —Y-yukira? I don't know what happened to you, b-but... We are in an emergency right now— Hikari commented.

█▄█ Reiko walks up to Hikari and decides to help her get up

╣♦╠ —It's exactly because that! Papa and Soma are not here to shield you and overly protect you, welcome to the real world!— Yukira snickered and patted the girl's shoulder with the pipe a few times.

█▄█ Completely ignoring Yukira's bragging, Reiko pushes her arm away from Hikari, and decides to help the heiress up

╣♦╠ Even though Reiko was still exhausted, she always had it easy to recover her energy at a good pace, it wasn't enough to abuse of it on another combat, but it restored her senses, allowing her to take a look again at the non-existant energy field of the heiress, and Yukira's.

—T-thanks, Reiko— Hikari smiled to her weakly, still a bit frightened with the situation.

█▄█ —HIkari-sama just had to watch one of her friends die in front of her, have some goddamn tact Yukira— Reiko said, slightly annoyed at her childhood friend

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