25 - Panlola's box.

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╣♦╠ —Nee, Wally, I know the Yamamoto are hard to deal with, but if we actually would murder... Oh, I mean, capture their heiress, would we be able to survive?— Yukira casually said and approached her friend.

█▄█ —I told you this isn't even an option Yukira!— Reiko butted in on the conversation

╣♦╠ The man chuckled. —Crazy as often, forget about it, kid. You have a job to do, right? Go and earn some money, it's what makes this world rot, but at least it'll give you some 'sense of accomplishment' —

—Well! If anything, I'll use it to share an ice-cream with Reiko!— Yukira replied.

█▄█ « Did Yukira become a murderer during her time outside of that clan? I sure hope not... » Reiko thought, once again hearing Yukira casually —joke— about killing someone

╣♦╠ —Okay okay, out you two.— The man petted one of the rats that approached him and the ground began to move by itself, slowly raising around her and Yukira as if it'd be some kind of ellevator.

—Alreaaady? Anyways, thanks for the time, Wally!— Yukira waved

█▄█ —What the...— Reiko muttered seeing what just happened, even though the man didn't seem to be a mage

╣♦╠ —You forgot the senpai, baka kitsune...— The man chuckled. The entrance to the place was sealed by the ground as they were back to the park, and Reiko could finally get some fresh and pure air.

Meanwhile Yukira just covered the place where the entrance was supposed to be with the big can

—Oh, yes! You see? I do all kind of jobs for money, it's a fun thing to do, today's was requested by a jelly highschooler, she wanted me to spoil that birthday party!— Yukira grinned.

█▄█ —So... you are working for underground homeless gang that fullfills random people's wishes? I hope you don't actually kill people for them...— Reiko said with some concern

╣♦╠ Yukira laughed, so much that she dropped the box, now at the slightly better luminosity of the park's light it looked like a present box.

—homeless gang and killing people? Reiko, just, really... You need to get out of that place more often, why would I do such things?—

█▄█ —Well, I don't know... just like I don't know why did you try to steal the tsukkin again without even telling me, which got you kicked out.—Reiko said, voicing some of her annoyance at the kitsune

╣♦╠ —Wally has nothing to do with a homeless gang or my job! He just helps me sometimes and also lets me sleep on the park some nights, or teaches me a few things!—

Yukira grabbed the box and her expression changed, rather serious.

—Hmph, as if I'd tell you.— Commented and walked away. —Let's go, you have a nice ojou-sama to protect, right?—

█▄█ —Yukira...— Reiko became concerned about the sudden change in tone of her friend as she followed her

╣♦╠ —Just shut up and let's go to that party, I have something to deliver after all.— Yukira commented as she kept walking away, towards one of the streets near to the park. The kitsune sure was mad about all the implications about her life being worse than before.

█▄█ —What is in that package anyway?— Reiko asked going after the kitsune, wanting to change the subject

╣♦╠ —A surprise? Of course. I just have to sneak it into the presents, that's the job. I know it sounds like an easy one but I have got more difficult tasks late on!— Yukira commented, leaving the park already.

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