Four (I Dare You To Love Me)

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(Mandy's POV)

"What do you mean you won't watch Isabella tonight? Is this because I'm with Chris again?" I asked my mother.

"Yeah. I will not let you go on dates with that man and help you do so. He broke your heart once and I'm not ready to pick up the broken pieces again."

"Why can't you support my decision?!"

"Because your decision is stupid." I felt as though she slapped me.

"It's not stupid mother! It's fucking love. I love Christopher Jackson and there's nothing that can change that. I'm in love with him!" I slammed my hand on the table.

"You're going to wake Isa." My mother warned. I rolled my eyes. "You are acting like a child, Mandy."

"A child? Really? A child?! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me? You're 30 and arguing with me like a teenager. Get your shit together. Come get your daughter when you've cooled off."

"You know what?! I'm done. I thought I was a good mother. That you would watch my daughter, your granddaughter any time! Now suddenly you won't?! Why? What have I ever done to show that I'm a fuckup? When have I ever, even now, put myself first? It's always Isa and then me. Always!"

"Mama?" A little voice came from Isa's room. Even my parents had a room for her. Immediately, I'm calm, only for my daughter.

"What's up honey?"

"I don't feel good. My tummy hurts." I walked over to Isa and felt her forehead.

"You do feel warm." Sure enough, as I brought my hand down, Isabella puked all over me. She broke down, crying hysterically. "Okay, let's get you cleaned up."


My father stayed with Isa and my mother and I picked up in our argument. "Maybe you are a fuckup. I don't know. Maybe I was a fuckup. Or I didn't teach you well enough about love. You can't love Christopher. He cheated on you. He broke your heart. And if he hurts Isa, the way he hurt you, there will be hell to pay."

"Real supportive." I said and stalked off. I couldn't deal with her bullshit right then.

When I got home, I showered. Then I grabbed a beer and cracked it open. Chris walked through the door. He placed a kiss on my lips and then sat with me on the couch. "Hey. What's going on? Last time I saw you chug a beer like that, you'd gotten into a fight with your mother."

I lowered the beer from my lips. "You guessed it." I put the bottle back against my lips and chugged the rest. I put the bottle down when I was done and turned to Chris. "She doesn't approve of us."

"I can see why. I broke your heart like it was glass. I hurt you."

"But you're making it up to us. Both of us." I said, leaning into his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm such a mess." I was sure he read between the lines and heard what I meant. What I meant was 'I dare you to love me'.

"Mandy, you aren't a mess. You're beautiful. Inside and out. I love you so much baby." Chris began to rub my back.

"I love you too." I whispered and smashed my lips onto his.

While Chris kissed me aggressively, he lifted me. My legs wrapped around his waist and he carried me to my room. Hopefully soon it would be our room. I felt myself being placed on the bed. Then, Chris was hovering over me. His breath was warm against my skin.


When I woke up, I smiled. Chris had both arms around my middle and his face was in my hair. I smiled. My boyfriend...that hand a nice ring to it. Boyfriend.

I felt a pair of lips on my shoulder, through the fabric of the New York tee shirt. I flipped over so I was facing him. "Good morning handsome." I said.

"Well good morning beautiful." Chris murmured and I saw a hint of a smile on his lips.

"We have rehearsal today."

"That we do. But right now, we can do this." Chris said and cuddled with me.

"We sure can do that mi amor."


"Okay, so first up is The Club." Lin said. I nodded. Even the idea of fake fighting as fake people made my stomach knot itself.

The music started. We were just practicing the lyrics. No dance moves.

"Damn this is nice. I really like what they've done with the lights. So the hot club in Washington Heights. Yo, did I mention that you look great tonight? 'Cause you do, you really do.." Lin sang.

"Usnavi relax." Karen sang, cutting him off.

"Relax? I ain't relaxed? I'm relaxed."


Finally we were able to go home. But Chris passed the apartment. "Um, Chris, where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said. Twenty minutes later, we were at a fancy restaurant.

We ordered wine and ate foods that would normally make us feel fat. But with him, I felt perfect. He had a way of doing that to me.

"Chris?" I asked as we shared a slice of cake.

"Mhm?" He hummed, looking me in the eye.

"Move in with Bella and I."

"Are you sure?"

"Like 100 percent ready."




"I really love you."

"I really love you too."

Born To The Barrio's Best: Chris Jackson and Mandy Gonzalez/COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now