Sixteen (I Can't Take Another Heartbreak)

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(April)(Mandy's POV)

Our final show. Mine and Chris'. This show was my life for a year. But now, it was time to focus on the life that was growing inside me. Chris and I held hands until he squatted down, kissing my belly. When he stood, he hugged me, careful not to squeeze me.

"You ready for our last show?" Chris asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered, holding him tightly. "What lies ahead? Will we see rainbows, day after day?"

"Que será, será."


"This is my street. I smile at the faces I've known all my life. They regard me with pride. And everyone's sweet, they say 'You're going places'. So how can I say that while I was away I had so much to hide? Hey guys it's me, the biggest disappointment you know. The kid couldn't hack it, she's back and she's walkin real slow. Welcome home. Just breathe.

"As the radio plays old forgotten boleros, I think of the days when this city was mine. I remember the praise, 'Ay te adoro te quiero'. The neighborhood waved and said 'Nina be brave and you're gonna be fine'. And maybe it's me, but it all seems like lifetimes ago. So what do I say to these faces that I used to know? Hey I'm home?"

"Mira Nina."

"Hey...they're not worried about me...they are all counting on me to succeed! I am the one who made it out! The one who always made the grade. But maybe I should have just stayed home. When I was a child I stayed wide awake, climbed to the highest place on every fire escape, restless to climb. I got every scholarship, saved every dollar. The first to go to college. How do I tell them why I'm coming back home, with my eyes on the horizon. Just me and the GWB, asking gee Nina, what'll you be?

"Straighten the spine. Smile for the neighbors. Everything's fine, everything's cool. The standard reply, lots of tests, lots of papers. Smile, wave goodbye, and pray to the sky, oh god. What will my parents say? Can I go in there and say I know that I'm letting you down!"


"Just breathe!" I finished.


"Oh my god enough!" Priscila sang. "Now you listen to me."

"Mom," I sang back lightly.

"Carajo, I said enough. I'm sick of all this fighting."

"Camila.." Carlos sang.

"Yabababa. I think you've said enough. Now listen to what I say. What I say goes. Papi you pushed us all away."

"I'm trying to.."

"I don't wanna hear it. We make decisions as a family. And throwing Benny out like that? You sound just like your father. We both know what a son of a bitch he was. You think it all comes down to you."

"Mami let's talk about it."

"No no no. No no no. No you don't. When you have a problem you come home. You don't go off and make matters worse on your own. One day you're gonna come back home, and you're not gonna find me waiting anymore."

"I'm sorry."

"Ha. Damn right you're sorry...So you stayed out all night?"

"Mom." I sang.

"I'm talking now. You scared us half to death, you know that right?"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. You save it for your father."


"Look at your father. He doesn't sleep when you're gone. He's worked his whole life to help you go farther. And he can't admit when he's wrong. Now who does that remind you of? You two deserve each other. For months you lied to us. What did we do? To make you think we wouldn't do anything and everything for you? When you have a problem you come home. You don't run off and hide from your family all alone. You hear me? When you have a problem you come home! As long as we're alive, you're never on your own. Leave Benny, take Benny. It doesn't make any difference, as long as you come home!"

"Camila," Carlos sang again.

"No no no. Enough lying, enough screaming. I'm done trying and I'm leaving it up to you. It's up to you! I'll se you both back home! Enough!"

The song ended and the curtains closed. I hugged Priscilla and whispered "I love you" in her ear.

"And I you darling." Priscilla said back and I walked off.


After the show, I had tears in my eyes. Chris did too. We took out final bows and then, it was time to change and go home.

Once at home, we go to bed and pray that whatever happens next, we will be okay. I just can't take another heartbreak.

***Author's Note***

A short chapter. But at least there is a chapter. I hope you're liking this story. I'm doing my best. I swear on it. But I'm also kind of struggling right now. So I can't really focus on too much. Alright then. I'm gonna go now. Bye! Also, go check out my other stories!

The Author (Ryeli)

Born To The Barrio's Best: Chris Jackson and Mandy Gonzalez/COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now