Twenty-Two (Daddy-Daughter Day)

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(Chris' POV)(Two months later)

I watched as Bella sleeps. Not in a creepy way but in a parental way. She turned over and opened her eyes. "Morning Daddy." She said, smiling.

"Up and at 'em. We're spending the day together while Mama goes to the doctors then hangs out with Aunt Karen. Let's eat breakfast and get you dressed." I helped her into her white shorts because she was still having trouble getting pants over her stump. Then, she finished getting dressed on her own as I made pancakes.

When she came out, she wore a green-blue shirt and a matching converse sneaker. "Daddy, can you curl my hair and put this bow in my hair?"



"So, do you wanna go to the park? I know that's your favorite place." I said.


We went to the park and Bella insisted on using her crutch. I held her hand as we walked to a set of swings. She had me help her up and onto the swing. I did, then took the one next to her. We swung for a while. Then my phone rang.

I answered. It was Mandy. "Hey honey. What's up?" I asked.

"Well, Karen went into labor while we were at lunch. So I'm at the hospital with her. She said she doesn't want to make a big deal about it right now but asked me to stay. I'll call you when the baby's here."

"Okay. Well, best of luck to Karen. I'll talk to you when you call. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Okay love birds, shut the fuck up!" I heard Karen scream.

"I'll let you go. Love you bye."

"Love you, bye Chris." We hung up and I turned to Bella.

"Aunt Karen is having her baby." I told her.

"Yay!" Bella squealed. Then she frowned. "I wish Mama still had my baby sibling in her belly." Her comment was a shock to me.

"Me too." I told her honestly. "Maybe we'll...never mind." I said.

"Daddy, lets have a swinging contest! Whoever gets higher wins!"

"Okay. I'll take it easy on ya." I said, knowing that even if I didn't take it easy on her, she'd still win.


We got ice cream. When we finished, I held her up like an airplane and walked around with her like that. Her laugh was so contagious. I laughed along with her, unable to stop it. "Sing Daddy! Sing!"

"What should I sing?"

"Do a Deer!"

"Do, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Mi, a name I call myself. Fa, a long, long ways to run. So, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow so. Ti, a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to do, do, do, do. Do, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Mi, a name I call myself. Fa, a long, long ways to run. So, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow so. Ti, a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to do!" I sang loud and proud. Bella giggled and I put her back down on the ground with her crutch.

"Yo, look! It's the freak show with her famous dad! Stop scaring my little brother you hag!" A teenager shouted at Bella. It took all my power to not strangle the boy. But I did walk up to him.

"You think it's okay to say those things to people?!" I asked, pissed at some kid who I didn't even know.

"Daddy, it's okay. He's just a bully."

"Stay, you're right Bella." I said. I would not be like Paul. No. "Don't say stuff like that, you hear?" I asked.

"Yes sir." The kid ran off, probably to his privileged home. Sure I have my dream career, but I didn't always think I'd get there.

My parents were poor. We got evicted at one point. So for a month, we lived in a homeless shelter. That scarred me for life. I swore on my life, the day I found out about Bella, that I would never let anything like that happen to her. Or to Mandy. And I intended on keeping my promise. Because I love my daughter. And I love my girlfriend. I love my family.


Walking inside the apartment, I almost called out to Mandy, telling her that we were home. And then I remembered that she was at the hospital with Karen. I wondered how she was doing. Karen was a strong woman, I knew. But still, it must have hurt, giving birth.

"Spaghetti or Mac 'n Cheese?"

"Mac 'n cheese please!" Bella said and I smiled, starting dinner.


My phone rang as I finished the dishes. It was Mandy again.

"Hey babe."

"Chris, can you guys come to the hospital. Karen had the baby. His name is Mateo. And she wants us to be the god parents." Mandy squeaked. "What do you say?"

"Yes. I'd love to be Mateo's god father."

"Great! I'll tell her. See you soon?"

"See you soon."

Bella and I went to the hospital. Karen was holding her son when we walked into the room. "Hi." She said. "Mateo, meet Chris. Your god father." She handed him to me and I smiled at his little face.

"He looks so much like you, but also so much like Lin. Where is the father?"

"He's in the bathroom." Mandy said.

", congratulations Karen."

In that moment, we all knew, this was the time of our lives.

***Author's Note***

Next chapter is the last one. I'm sad. But I'm also excited because I can start the sequel. Yay! Also, how do you like this cover for the sequel? I personally love it.

 Yay! Also, how do you like this cover for the sequel? I personally love it

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What do you think.

Alright loves, be kind, be productive, have fun.

The Author (Ryeli)

Born To The Barrio's Best: Chris Jackson and Mandy Gonzalez/COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now