Eighteen (Just Another Heartbreak)

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(Chris' POV)(A week later)

Mandy fell asleep not so long after Bella. Both Mandy's parents left. Mandy tossed around the couch. I knew that it wasn't going to be an easy night. Let alone an easy recovery for Bella. It was going to take some time.

"Daddy!" Bella screamed, my heart wrenching as she continued to scream in pain. Mandy woke too and we both ran to Bella.

"What's wrong hija?" I asked her.

"My leg! My leg hurts! Daddy, make it go away! Mama!" She cried.

"Mandy, get a doctor now." Mandy nodded and without hesitation, ran off to find a doctor for Bella.

When she came back, Bella was overheating but her leg was ice cold. The doctor looked at it, a frown on her face. "Infection. Already really bad. I don't think antibiotics will help that. I think the only way is to amputate her leg. But you two have to okay the surgery."

"Daddy, make it stop!" Bella screamed. Mandy and I looked at each other and nodded.

"Go through with the surgery. If that's what's needed, then that's what we'll do." Mandy said.



The surgery lasted for three hours. They had to amputate from her upper thigh down. She'd only have her right leg now. When we were told the surgery was over, we went straight to her. "Oh my god. She looks so different without it. Her leg, I mean." Mandy said and clutched my hand. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple.

"I know. It's gonna take time to get used to but she's gonna be okay."

"I know.

(Two months later)

I brought Bella into school. I'd be staying with her at school. Help her maneuver around desks and things for her last couple of weeks at school. "Bella!" Her teacher said, hugging her small frame gently. "I'm so glad you're okay. Mr Jackson, I'm sorry that she got hit while in my care. I'm a terrible teacher."

"No. It's not your fault. You had all these other kids to pay attention to. It sucks that it was Bella who got hit when it could have been none of them. But it happened and we're working on it." I said and the teacher hugged me.

"Thank you." She said. "For not blaming me."

"You're welcome."

"Woah, what happened to your leg Bella?" A boy asked.

"It got cut off because it was sick." Bella answered and I chuckled softly at her explanation.

"Cool!" The boy said and went to the morning meeting circle. Bella hobbled over, using the desks to help her walk.

"Good morning class!" The teacher said.

"Good morning Ms Goodwin!" The kids all chorused back.

"Today, our good friend Bella is back!"

All the girls smiled and hugged Bella. The boys all high fived her. "Hi guys!" Bella said, a smile on her lips.

"Bella's dad is gonna sit in with us for a while and he's going to explain what happened." I waved at the kids.

"So, I'm Mr Jackson and I'm Bella's dad. So, two months ago, Bella got hit by a car while at school here. She was in the hospital where she had to get her leg amputated. That means she had to lose her leg so she could get better." The lengthy explanation seemed to excite the kids. I had explained it so many times that I just wanted to let it go.


Back home, Bella cried. "I miss being able to play with the other kids at recess!" She told Mandy and I. My heart broke for my daughter and I knew that it was going to be a lot harder than we all thought.

Mandy, being six months pregnant and helping Karen with the wedding stuff was tired but held our daughter in a hug.

At dinner, Bella had claimed she was tired and we put her to bed. So now, it was only Mandy and I.

"How far along is Karen now? Eight months? They aren't getting married until after the baby is born right?"

"She's eight and a half months pregnant, and no they are not getting married till after. Karen says she wants to be able to 'look hot' in a wedding dress." Mandy said. I chuckled and took my girlfriend's hand.

"Someday, that'll be you." I said. "Standing in a wedding dress at the alter."

"You have to propose first." Mandy said and I smiled, looking down.

"Yeah. I know."

I got up and pulled Mandy to her feet. We slow danced for a while.


Mandy woke me up in the middle of the night. "Chris? Chris?"


"I'm bleeding." I shot up. I pounded on the neighbor's door and she agreed to watch Bella.

I raced to the hospital, carrying Mandy inside.

Time slowed. "I'm sorry, you've miscarried." A doctor said. Mandy clutched my shirt and cried, my shirt beginning to soak.

I knew that Mandy would shut me off by tomorrow. I would be a single father for a while. Taking care of both Mandy and Bella.


"Eat something Mandy." I coaxed. Mandy shook her head and held a blanket around her. She hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch. And trying to get her to eat dinner was way harder than I thought it'd be. "Mandy please. I know you're sad. I am too. Please eat something. Please."

"No." Was all she said.

"Mandy...It's gonna get better." I told her.

"I'm going to bed now." That was the last straw.

"Mandy, you can't shut me out! You've hardly spoken to me or Bella! You have not eaten all day and I'm sorry if I'm being an ass, but I'm just trying to help you!"

"Daddy, please don't yell." Bella said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry pumpkin. I'll stop yelling." I heard a door slam and knew that Mandy had gone to bed.

I made sure Bella ate before going to check on Mandy.

The scene I found before me terrified me.

***Author's Note***

What do you think is gonna happen?

A) Mandy cuts?
B) Mandy is attempting suicide?
C) Mandy is staring at nothing, with no emotion whatsoever?

Comment what you think is happening!

Also I'm sure Mandy's parents are great people. I'm just making them way over protective.

Keep being awesome guys! Thank you for reading!

The Author (Ryeli)

Born To The Barrio's Best: Chris Jackson and Mandy Gonzalez/COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now