Twenty-One (Mama's Here)

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(Mandy's POV)

"Mama!" I heard Bella scream. I rushed to her and held her close. "It was the car again." She said. I could feel her shaking.

"Shh, baby. It's okay." My whispers seemed to help her a little bit. Her body still shook with every breath she took.

"I feel my leg, Mama. I can feel it. It's scary." She mumbled. My breath caught and I kissed her head.

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'm sorry."

"Sing me a song." She didn't demand it, but it wasn't a question. The look of pain on her face made it impossible to say no.

"Breathe...this is my street. I smile at the faces I've known all my life. They regard me with pride and everyone's sweet, they say 'You're going places'. So how can I say that while I was away, I had so much to hide? Hey guys it's me. The biggest disappointment you know. The kid couldn't hack it she's back and she's walkin real slow. Welcome home. Just breathe. Just breathe...

"As the radio plays old forgotten boleros, the neighborhood waved and said 'Nina be brave and you're gonna be fine'..." I realized Bella was sleeping, so I stopped. She was holding onto me. Not wanting to wake her, I stayed there. But I couldn't sleep, so I just watched her sleep.


In the morning, Chris stood in the doorway. Bella still held me tight. I smiled softly to Chris. I lifted Bella with me and walked out to the living room. Chris placed his hand on my lower back causing a shiver to go up my spine. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"We'll get through this, Mandy. I know it doesn't seem like that. But we can do this. I love you and I love Bella."

"I think I can speak for Bella when I say this, we love you too." I hugged him sideways.

Bella began to wake up and Chris fetched her crutch. I placed her on the ground, holding her up. "I'm good now Mama. You can let go." Bella said once she had her crutch securely under her arm. I dropped my hold on her and stood up straighter.

I took the opportunity to hug Chris tightly. We watched Bella hobble to the couch. She plopped down. "I want to try again." Chris whispered. "For a baby."

"Chris, it's only been two weeks. I'm not ready. I just...I'm scared that I'll miscarry again. Let's wait." I looked into his brown eyes. "Please, Chris?"

"Okay. Yeah. Okay. We can wait."


Chris and I went out. A fancy restaurant. Just him and I. It was great. We were getting quality time. I wore a short, tight, red dress with black heeled shoes. "You look beautiful mamacita." Chris said, his arm snaked around my waist. I smiled softly, my head on his shoulder.

"Reservations?" A waiter asked.

"Yes. Chris Jackson." Chris said and the man thumbed through his list.

"There you are. Follow me." He led us to a secluded booth and as we sat, he handed us our menus. "If I read that sheet correctly, you two are preforming a song?"

"Yes." Chris said. I looked at him.

"Okay. We've got it all set up."

"Thank you."

"Chris Jackson, I would kick your ass right now, but we're in public. So I won't." I said. "What are we going to sing?"

"I was thinking we could sing Sunrise or, if you had a different song in mind."

"Um, it's summer. And we should do something that has to do with that."


"Sounds good."


"Good evening folks. Tonight we have two very special guests. They'll be singing for us. Give it up for Mandy Gonzalez and Chris Jackson!"

Chris and I stepped onto the slightly raised stage. "Hello guys. We are going to sing a song we came up with while eating. Enjoy." Chris said.

"The summer heat warms your skin." I started.

"The summer sun shines off your eyes." Chris sang. Then I joined him.

"Turn the air conditioning on, feel the cold air slipping through. Let it chill your bones, then let me warm you up tonight."


Chris and I hopped in a cab and went home. Home to our daughter. But who we saw scared me. Only because I knew there would be fighting.

"Mom. Hi." My mom and I were on good terms, but my dad? No way. "Father."

"Hi sweetie." Mom said, hugging me. I hugged back. My father just stood there, watching to see if Chris would make a move. He didn't. Neither did my dad.

"So, how is life?" I asked.

"I came to check on you but you weren't here. You know what I learned though?" Dad asked.

"Papi, stop it." I said.

"No! Mandy, you stop it! I am done! I am not taking orders from my daughter. I am your father, you listen to me!"

"Paul..." Mom started.

"Robin, no! This is between me, Chris and Mandy!"

"Fine. What the fuck did you learn, Papi?! What?!"

"I learned that I am willing to try again. Start over. With both of you." Dad's voice was significantly lower, softer, quieter. "I'm willing to set our differences apart. We both have one thing in common, Chris and I. We both love you so much Mandy. And that's why I will stand by your relationship and accept him as part of the family."

"Really? You mean that Papi?"

"Si. I mean it." I hugged my father.

"Thank you so much. Daddy?" I looked into his eyes, feeling like a child again.

"What's up mi hija?"

"I love you too."

Then, Bella screamed out, pain in her voice. I ran to her. "Mama! It was the car! It hit me! I was so scared Mama. I was so scared!"

"Shh. Mama's here. I'm here. Mama's here. You're okay. I'm right here. Everything will be okay."

And I knew, in that moment, that yes, things were rocky now, but we would be okay. Everything would be okay.

***Author's Note***

Okay guys! Please ask questions! Please, please, please!

Be kind. Be productive. Have fun and of course, be fearless!

The Author (Ryeli)

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