Part Two

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Exo will be making a comeback next August, everybody seems to be very busy including their new manager. Jane had never been so busy her life. She had to get up early in the morning, accompanying the boys to the company. They had to practice dancing to their main track and completing their whole album. She went to the practice room to check if everybody present, she was glad that everybody's there. Kyungsoo noticed her standing on the door entrance.

"Hi Noona, what are doing here?" She comes in and talk to him.

"Just checking if everything's okay." She give him a smile.

"Oh that, everything's fine. We just finished our dance practice."

"Kyungsoo-ah, let's do one more dance practice and we'll be done for today." Jane look at the choreographer, it's Taewoo.

"I'm sorry Noona, I didn't know we still have one more practice to do." She pat his shoulder letting him know it's okay. He nodded.

Jane was just watching the whole thing, she's really enjoying it. Every single one of them, they're really good. They finished the whole song. The boys thanked Taewoo before their heading back home.

They were all leaving. Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Chen, Baekhyun and Lay were in the same van. Taeyong Oppa and the other staffs were in the second van. As much as Jane wanted to avoid contact with Suho, they're in the same van and they're sitting next to each other. Kai and Sehun were sitting on the back. Xiumin was sitting in front seat.

"Hyung, can I switch seat with you?" Suho called Xiumin.

"Ani, just sit there." Xiumin refused.

"If you want I can swith with Sehun." Jane told him.

"Ani, Noona. You can stay there, don't mind Suho hyung." Suho glared at him but Sehun ignored him.

"I'm sorry." That's all she said. Jane never ever felt so unwelcome with a person before.

The ride going home was way too long for her, she can't helped but pray that it will arrived soon. Dang those traffic, she let out a sighed.

Finally, after a long way they got to their dorm. All exo members got out from the vans. Some of the staffs lived in the same building. They said their goodbyes for that night. Jane and Taeyong headed home.

"How was work so far, Jane?"

"It's quite busy, but I still believe I can make it." Jane gave him a small smile.

"You don't sound so convincing, is somebody making it hard for you?." Taeyong tried to dig her thoughts out.

"I'll be fine Oppa." She made herself believe it.


Next day was another day for Jane. She's busy all day. When she was taking her break, she strolled herself in the building. She met Taewoo on her way to the second floor.

"Noona, nice to meet you." Taewoo greeted her.

"It's nice to meet you too. You wouldn't mind if I tell you that I'm a fan of yours." Jane told him even she felt embarrassed.

"Kamsamhnida, noona." He bowed on her and went back to practice room.

Jane's back on strolling around, she ended up in a balcony where she could see the busy street. She stayed there for a while, when she heard a steps towards her. She was fighting the urges to look back.

"What are you doing here? Are you trying to make us believe that you're here to work? Are you sure your not one of those crazy girl out there, trying to act casually but will try to ruin our lives?" Jane didn't need to look back, she knew exactly who's the owner of those voice. Kim Junmyeon.

"I don't really need to explain myself to you. I'm not here to pretend as anybody or ruin anybody's life. I'm just here to work. That's all." Jane looked back and she was walking towards him. She stand a foot away from him, she's staring with those angry eyes of his.

"You know what, I didn't even do anything to you. I don't know what I did that made you get angry." Jane couldn't help but get her frustration out on him. After that, she walked out.


When she got home, she went straight to bed. She was mad at him. Taeyong was trying to ask her what happened but he stepped back and gave her some space.

Jane's phone rang, it was her mother calling.

"Hey! mom, what's up?" She was hoping her mom won't noticed anything from crying.

"Honey, you don't sound happy. Is everything alright? Are they treating you bad?" She hated it when her mom worried about her.

"Mom, I'm okay. I'm still adjusting myself here. It will take a while though."

"I'm just worried you know. If life isn't going right for you Jane, you can always come back." She smiled at the thought. She felt lucky to have a parents like them.

"If that ever happened mom, I will surely book my ticket right away." She heard her mom chuckled.

"We missed you, honey."

"I missed you guys too. I'm going to bed now mom. Say hi to dad for me. I love you." She hunged up.


Jane was so glad that she got a time off before next week. Exo will have their comeback, they will be in music shows almost everyday and she needs to be there too. She decided to go to Lotte Mall. It's her first time. She was enjoying herself walking around the mall. She doesn't like to buy unless she really needs it.

There's a big banner of EXO when she takes the escalator. She's staring at Suho's face. The nerve of that guy. When she reach second floor, she thought that she was just hallucinating. She slapped her face, trying to convince herself that she's not imagining thing. Suho's in front of her.

"Are you following me?"

"For the record, NO." She pass him. Suho caught her hand.

"I'm not done with you, yet." He glared at her.

"Look! Kim Junmyeon. I'm not here to spy on you or follow you to the inner core of this planet."

Then, Kyungsoo and Sehun came.

"Hyung, you need to stop it." Sehun tried to stop him.

"Hyung, not here okay." Kyungsoo said. "Noona, I'm sorry." He apologize to her. Jane pulled her hand from his grip.

"You should remind yourself that your an idol Suho."  Then, Jane went downstairs. She never wanted to have a fight with him again for same reason.


"Hyung, why did you do that? I don't think noona deserves to be treated like that." Sehun was concerned about his manager.

"Ever since she started working with us, you treated her badly." Kyungsoo added.

"I always thought that she's one of those crazy girls that keeps following us. I just wanted to protect our team. I don't want any other issues anymore." He tried to explain it to them. They both didn't get it.

"But, she's not like those girls. If only you would know that Taeyong hyung knows her well." Kyungsoo tried to clear things up.

"Yehet! I heard that Noona and Hyung's cousin are best friend." Sehun said.

"I think it's best if you apologize to her tomorrow." Kyungsoo told him. Suho was taken aback. He realized his own mistakes.

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