Part Five

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"What are you doing here?" Suho was looking at her.

Jane was just standing without saying anything. She was supposed to have a talk with him, but she couldn't say a word.

"Hyung, noona just wanted to talk to you." Sehun said.

"Well, are you going to stand up there all the time?" Suho was being irritated.

"Noona." Chanyeol poked Jane on the cheek.

Jane finally got back from reality.

"I need to talk to you." She looked at him straight up.

Suho came to her and dragged her outside the dorm. It was night time already and nobody's around.

"Let me go." Jane exclaimed. Suho let her go, but she could still feel her wrist hurt from his gripped.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Suho glared at her.

"Why are you mad? It's not like your members got hurt or something. Can't you be a little less uptight to them?"

"It's easy to say than to actually do it. You just started as our manager, but you're acting like you know them better than I do." She could feel the tension between them.

"Listen Kim Junmyeon, I'm not taking your spot as a leader here. Plus, I don't even know why you're so upset about, especially to me?" Jane just had it, she couldn't take this guy anymore.

"I just think you're not suitable enough us our manager." Jane felt hurt inside. How could this guy say mean things to her? Judging her as though she's a newbie?

She couldn't take it anymore. She felt numb and cried as long as she could remember.

The others saw them arguing outside their dorm. Kyungsoo ran towards her, and he guided her far from his hyung. He dialed Taeyong hyung's number and told him to pick her up. Kyungsoo saw a bench from afar and they walked towards it. He let her sit first. Jane was just crying all the time. She never felt treated like this before. Kyungsoo sat beside her, patted her back.

"It's going to be alright, noona." Jane couldn't say a thing. "Just let this thing passed, maybe next day you'll be back to normal." She doubted it.

They heard a car stopped in front of them. Taeyong came out, and went towards them.

"What happened to her?" He looked at Kyungsoo.

"I'm sorry hyung, Suho hyung and noona got into arguments. He said something that made it even worst." Kyungsoo said.

"I'll beat him up, if I'll see him." Taeyong clenched his fist.

"Oppa, please don't. I don't want any fights." Jane finally spoken.

"But, that bastard hurt you. I didn't bring you to work here and somebody will ruin it."

"I just don't want you or both of you fights. I will resign tomorrow. I'll pass my resignation letter tomorrow, oppa." Both Taeyong and Kyungsoo were surprised on her sudden decision.

"Noona, aren't you thinking way ahead? We can talk about this right?" He's pleading for her.

"I'm sorry guys. I just can't continue working with all of you, especially if I'll be around him." She felt sad of the thought.

"Jane, we better leave now. We could talk about this matter at home. Kyungsoo-ah, please don't tell them about our conversation here, got it?" Taeyong said.

"Arasso, hyung." Kyungsoo agreed.

"We're leaving now, I'll see you later." Taeyong guided Jane to his car.

When the car was out of sight, Kyungsoo decided to head back to the dorm.


Suho couldn't believe himself for saying hurtful words to her. He knew he was upset about his members for getting home late. I mean, it's not a big deal since Xiumin hyung was with them. But, it's too late now. He already made a damage to her feelings.

"Hyung, I think you went overboard there." Sehun couldn't believe it.

"You can blame us, but getting all your frustrations to her wont take you anywhere." Chanyeol just shook his head. Baekhyun and Chen agreed to him too.

"Suho- shii, we should go back inside. You guys too." Xiumin pointed at the Maknaes.

They all went inside. Everybody was just quiet the whole time. Nobody's trying to break the silence. They heard the door opened. Kyungsoo got in, walking towards them. He seated on the chair.

"Aren't you guys going to talk?" Kyungsoo raised his eyebrow.

"C'mon Kyungsoo- ah, can't you read the atmosphere here?" Chen whined.

"Nope, and I don't care about the atmosphere here." He snapped.

"Guys, it's not time for childish games." Lay said.

"Did she said something?" Xiumin asked Kyungsoo. He just shook his head. He promised not to say anything.

"Okay, let's just call it a night. Let's all relax for couple days before we go back next week for our promotions." Xiumin said to them. They all agreed and went to their rooms. Xiumin took Suho to their room. He didn't say anything to him, he let him have a time to think things through on his own.


"Jane, are really serious about quitting tomorrow?" Taeyong shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't have any other choice oppa. I don't want to feel unwanted." She started crying again.

"But, I just don't want you to quit just because of one person."

"You want me to keep working with him? I don't mind the other members, but that one person we're talking here is always around oppa. I can't even dare to see that jerk again." Her tears kept falling down on her face. Taeyong felt sorry for her. She's like a sister to him and he didn't want anybody hurting her. He gave her a hug.

"I'll find a way to get things work out."

"Thank you, oppa." She felt a little better after hearing those words from him.

She decided to go to her room and slept. Taeyong gave her a space to think things over.

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