Chapter 23

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Suho POV

She was clinging on his arms, and smiling brightly.

I didn't know what's got in to me. I felt like my blood boiling. I could sensed that my members were looking at me. The pair were walking towards our way. A shock registered on her face.

"Oh, look who's here?" Jungmo hyung said smiling. " Guys! remember your noona here?" He continued while presenting Jane to them.


"Noona? I ~~" Said Sehun. But got cut off by Kyungsoo, who already made his way to greet her.

"Noona, it's good to see you again." Kyungsoo said while handshaking Jane. Both smiled to each other.

"Ughh. Not fair." Said Chen, Kai, Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

Me. I was just standing right here, and watching the whole scene. She slightly turned to face me. I could see some regrets and loneliness in her eyes, but I brushed it off.

Regrets? Why? She left me without any words. I was devastated.

"Hey?" She said. A small smile skipped on her face. I looked at her straight without saying a word. How could she smile like that? As if she didn't left me.

When I didn't respond to her, she looked sad and turned her face towards them.

Later on

"Well, see you guys around." Jungmo hyung said. We exchanged goodbyes.

When we got to our van, Kyungsoo tried to get my attention.

"Hyung?" He looked so worried.

"I'm okay, Kyungsoo~na." I smiled at him.

"Hyung, you saw her earlier at the elevator? Am I right?" I turned my head to him. So he noticed her, too.

"Yeah." I said lazily.

"You don't have any feelings for her anymore, right?" He asked again. I didn't know he could be nosy.

"Kyungsoo ~na, I told you. It has nothing to do with me." I don't know but I sounded like irritated right now.

I faced the window, and tried to get away with this conversation. Sigh. I really don't know.


Jane POV

I want to hit myself so bad. Why? Why am I expecting him to greet me? Why am I assuming that he will smile at me?

All the "why's" just keep coming in my mind. I could still feel that cold stare in his eyes. He's upset. Yes! I know. It was my fault afterall. If I just went back and explained everything to him before I left that day, it would have been a different story. But, it's too late now.

"Babe, what do you think about going out for a stroll tonight?" That caught my attention back. I turned my head and Jungmo oppa was standing beside me.


"You're not paying attention to me." He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. "Babe, I said let's go for a walk later tonight. You know, sightseeing." He giggled.

"Oh, okay." I said pulling myself away from him.

"Okay? That's it?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me confused.

"I mean, I will be gladly to." I smiled at him. He shrugged his shoulders.


"I miss this place so much." Smelling the cool air of Seoul was really refreshing and the food that I've been longing for a long time. I do miss this place so much.

"And him?"

I heard oppa mumbling something, it was low that I couldn't clearly understand. I looked at him and he gave me the sweetest smile.

"Did you say something?"

"No." He shook his head.

We are currently sitting on the side of the park, seeing a lot of people walking around and some of them were having a picnic. I'm still wondering what oppa said a while ago. I brushed it off.

My eyes are wondering around, I spotted a group of guys walking and talking. I noticed the guy with loud laugh, and that sounds really familiar. I turned my head to the right out of curiosity. Then, I saw Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Kai.

They looked like they were having fun. I'm kinda glad that they don't noticed us. These reminds me when I was working with them as their manager, and we hang out.

And he got mad at you because you guys went out and the boys didn't go home early. Then, he told you that you're not a rightful manager. I sigh.

How I was excited about that job, but then I had to give up.

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