Part 18

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Concert Day ~

Instead of going to the venue, Jane decided to help out with the staffs for the preparations of the concert.

She was on the stage at the moment when Taeyong came.

"Hey, what's up?" He said.

"Oh, Oppa! I didn't notice you here." Jane exclaimed.

"What are you doing here this early? I thought you're done with your task already." He said to her while she was busy helping the other staff moving equipments. Taeyong followed her.

"I just thought they might need a helping hand, so I decided to come here and help." She stated while putting the equipment down. She straight up and stretched.

"You're way too nice. It's a compliment by the way." He winked at her.

"Yeah, whatever Oppa." Brushed him off while taking another equipment.

"Want to go somewhere for brunch?"

"I would love to, if you insist." She gave him a wide smile knowing that he will treat him with some delicious Japanese ramen or sushi.

"Alright, my treat." He felt defeated. She clung her arm to his arm.


"Wow! Oppa, this is great! I'm glad I got to taste the real ramen. It's really good."

"Glad you like it." He was amused by her reaction. "Oh, by the way. Tina will be here next month. Just reminding you in case she haven't mentioned it to you yet, since your busy lately."

"Yeah, haven't talked to her lately. But, I'll probably give her a call." Which reminded her to call her parents too.

Her phone rang. She excused herself.


"Babe? Where are you?" Oh shit! I forgot to tell him I have some errands to do. But, I'm pretty sure he won't allow me to help out anyway. She thought.

"Hi, babe! I'm eating here in the restaurant with Taeyong Oppa." She could sensed some tension from him.

"I thought we have plans already?"He said. She forgot about it.

"Sorry, It slipped on my mind. I'll make it up to you next time." She heard him let out a sighed. She knew too well that his upset.

"Don't worry about it. Bye!" He hanged up already before she could say anything.

She went back to their table feeling down.

"He's mad, isn't he?" Taeyong asked her while she seated and barely finished her meal.

"I just don't get him sometimes, he's soo unpredictable. One time he'll be happy then next thing he'll get mad. I don't get it at all." She let her frustration out.

"I'm sorry oppa, I don't want to act like this but sometimes I just don't understand him."

"I don't even know what to say, Jane. I think he's a little bit possessive over you. The way he was acting, but who could blame him. He likes you a lot." Taeyong said trying to comfort her.

"But ——

"No, buts. I think we should get going now. I'll take you back to the hotel. Don't worry about going back to the venue. They should be done by now." She nodded.


"What's wrong with hyung today? He's having a bad day." Sehun said to Kai.

"They might have a fight. Who knows?" Kai said.

"I think you guys need to focus on your solo than gossiping." Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe this two hadn't figured it out yet. Are they really that slow? He thought.

"Hyung, you might know something about them?" Sehun asked him instead. He just passed them and acted like he didn't hear him.

"Forget I ask!!" Sehun shouted.

"You know, you will never get an answer from him." Said Chanyeol from behind. Chanyeol was following Kyungsoo all throughout the rehearsal.


"Hyung, I have something to tell you." Lay said to Minseok. They were at the backstage at the moment.

"What is it?" Minseok said while putting his earplugs on.

Lay was hesitated to tell his hyung about what he saw couple nights ago.

"What is it?" Minseok asked him again. He shook his head and dismissed the topic.


"Hyung!" Sehun called his Suho hyung. Suho was on the way to the backstage to take a break. He looked back.


"Hyung, I was going to ask if you're okay. You seemed to be a little bit uneasy about something. Did you and Jane noona have a fight?" Sehun asked.

"I~~No, we had an argument about our plan today but it seems that she forgot about it." He sighed.

He was still upset about her not going with him for lunch. He was planning to take her to a ramen restaurant, but Taeyong hyung already took her. He always wanted to be her first for everything.

"You guys are going on a date?" Sehun asked him with confusion. "But, I thought you don't want to date right now?" He continually asked him.

Suho smacked his forehead, he forgot that they still don't know that he's dating Jane now. He felt like he should have told them before or else it might get worst.

"I'll tell you right now, but don't let them know yet. Arasso??"


"Your noona and I have been dating for a while now. I know you might be confused of how we ended up dating or you probably have an idea already but yeah I'm dating her." He said casually. He's not afraid to confess his relationship with Jane. He's actually proud of it.

"I thought so too. I had an idea already that you guys might have something. Don't worry hyung, I won't tell them, but mind you they probably have a clue already." Sehun tapped his shoulder.

They both went to backstage.

Suho was glad that Sehun understand him for dating Jane. He just need to tell the others about them.

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