Chapter 20 ( Come back Home)

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Jane was still on the phone with her mom. She felt her whole being numb from a sudden news that her mom told her.

"Honey, please consider it. I know you wanted this job so bad, but your dad needs you." She heard her mom sobbing. She was also crying at the same time.

"Mom, I will come back. I promise." She nodded her head even though her mom can't see her.

"Thanks, honey."

"Mom, tell dad that he needs to be strong." Oh God! I don't want to lose my dad.

"I will, bye."

"Bye mom." She hung up. Jane was on her knees crying. Her dad had a heart attack and he's on a critical condition.


After a long cry, she took her phone and dialed Jungmo Oppa's number.


"Hey, little sis. What's up?"

"I'm sorry if it's so sudden but I'm quitting my job." She heard him gasped in shock.

"Say what? Your quitting, but why?" Jungmo couldn't contain his own words.

"It's a personal matter oppa and I have to head back to the States." She explained.

"But what's the real reason? Would you mind telling me?"

"My dad is in bad shape, I mean he had a heart attack and he's in ICU right now."

"Oh, I'm sorry Jane."

"It's okay Oppa."

"No, really. But, when are you leaving?"

"Tonight. My mom already got my plane ticket.I won't be back in Korea. Maybe next time. I really don't know." She let out a sigh. As much as she liked or even loved her job. Her family comes first.

"I guess this is goodbye?" She said.

"Goodbye? No, Jane. We will keep in touch."

"Okay, Oppa. And also thank you for being a good sunbaenim to me." She smiled while she said it to him.

"Anything for my favorite person." Jane laughed at him for being too cheesy. "What!? It's not funny."

"Thank you so much for being a good friend to me, Oppa." She felt like crying again. A sob escaped.

"Jane, are you crying again?" Jungmo said with concerned voice.

She just shook her head and tears just kept going.


"Oppa, I have to go."

Even though Jungmo wasn't feeling like hanging up. Jane told him she's alright.

"Call me anytime, little sis. I'll be here."

"I will oppa."

"By the way, I'm not trying to be nosy but aren't you going to tell Junmyeon-shi about you leaving."

"No, I won't." She tried to compose herself. She  stood up and sat on the couch. She let a sighed.

"Jane, that's not right." Jungmo even more worried. "I think you should let him know."

"I can't oppa. I know it's selfish but I don't want to tell him." She looked up the ceiling and closed her eyes tightly. Just thinking about leaving him, it pains more.

"Okay, I guess I can't convince you." He let out a sighed.

"I'm sorry oppa." She opened her eyes back and looked at the clock.

"I have to go. I should be at the airport by 9:00pm tonight."

"Take care, arraso?"

"I will oppa, bye." She hang up and went to bed . She stayed there for a while before she got up and packed her things up.


The number you dial is not available. It's been like that for hours.

Suho was about to go crazy because she won't answer her phone. He even have to use Sehun's cellphone to try to call her.

"Hyung?" Sehun asked him. He seemed to be worried that his hyung been tapping the screen for hours.

"Huh?" He was dumbfounded at the moment. He looked at Sehun, who's worried about him.

"Hyung, you've been on that phone for hours and you look distracted." He snatched his phone from Suho's hand. He looked at the screen.

"Who's number is this?" He said while pointing at his phone.

"It's Jane."

"But-"" He cut him off.

"I tried to call her but she won't answer her phone. I don't know what to do." He's pacing back and forth.

"Noona might be sleeping right now. It's almost 8:30pm." Sehun said.

"Maybe you're right. I guess I'll call her again tomorrow."

"Hyung." Sehun called him again. He looked at him. "You know, Chanyeol hyung wanted to try the ramen restaurant closed by."

"That giant will keep growing if he eats a lot." He shook his head.


"Alright." He felt defeated. He went and got his jacket on and walked towards the door. "Sehunna!"

Sehun was still playing on his phone. He got up from the chair and went to the door.

"Let's go."


They're currently and the ramen restaurant. All of them were busy chatting except Suho.

He stared at his bowl of ramen without even touching it. Kyungsoo noticed his hyung and went to his side.

"Uhm, hyung. You haven't eaten yet?" He said while looking at Suho's gloomy face. "Hyung!" He called again. No response.

"Yah! Kim Junmyeon!" Said Kyungsoo when he didn't get a response to his hyung. Suho finally turned his head towards him.

"Kyungsoo-ah, what's up?" He said with a wary smile.

"Hyung, what's going on?" He said in a concern tone.

"I don't have an appetite to eat." Then slide his bowl away. Kyungsoo blocked his hand and tried to push it back to him.

"Eat it!" He said sternly.

He started eating but showing no enthusiasm for it.

Other members looked worried about him. They thought something was wrong but gave him a space.

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