Part 8

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Jane got a text from Taecyeon oppa, the next morning. He told her that he will be at the other music station today because their having a comeback. She was excited about it. She accompanied EXO on their way to that said station.

"Noona, cheer for us. Okay?" Chanyeol said while doing a "hwaiting" for her.

"Hwaiting!" Jane smiled at him.

"What about us noona?" Chen complained.

"It's for all of you guys. Fighting!!" Jane replied.

"Alright guys, let's go!" Suho said without glancing at her. She still couldn't believe why he'll be upset to her. All she could do was waiting until she get out from being a manager.

"Noona, I'm sorry." Kyungsoo apologized to his hyung's behavior.

"That's okay." Jane gave him a smile. He smiled back.


Suho was trying to concentrate for their performance, but he couldn't do it right. The members didn't notice it until he made a mistakes couple times, even the stage manager said that they needed to take a break for a while.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Kyungsoo asked him.

"I just can't focused. I'm sorry." He said sadly.

"Don't worry about it. It's going to be alright hyung." He reassured him.

Stage manager called them again to perform. They did it this time. Fans cheered for them and after that they all went backstage.


"Jane, Taecyeon and his group will perform next." Taeyong was teasing her.

"Oppa! Don't say it that way. People might think about it the wrong way." Jane glared at him.

"Aish! Don't deny it Jane. I know you so well. You still have a crush on him."

"No, not anymore." Jane pouted.

"So, Is there somebody else that caught your attention?" When Taeyong said it, that was the time Suho came in. Jane couldn't help but stare at him. Taeyong looked at his direction. He smiled. Something's going on here? He thought.

"So it's him?" He whispered to her.

"Anya Oppa!!" She glared at him.

"Are you guys talking about me??" Sehun pointing at himself.

"Nah, we didn't talk about you." Taeyong said.

"Don't mind him."

"Hyung, where are we going after this?" Kai asked.

"We'll be at Lotte Mall for fan signing around 3:30pm." Taeyong said while looking at their schedule.

"Aren't we going to eat first? I'm hungry." Chanyeol said.

"Chanyeol-shii, your thinking about food again." Baekhyun said.

"Can't help it." Chanyeol replied.

"How about we stopped at the Subway." Taeyong suggested to them. Everybody seemed to like the idea.

"Oppa, can I stay here for a while." Jane said to him.

"Why?" Taeyong was curious.

"I just wanted to say hi to him. After that I'll be at Lotte Mall later."

"Ah, I see. So, you still like him." He grinned.

"Aish! oppa! I'm just a friend, arasso?" Jane didn't like it when he's teasing her.

"Whatever." Taeyong then left with the boys.


"Hyung, why is it that noona didn't come with us?" Sehun asked.

"Who knows?" Taeyong was playing dumb.

"I bet she's meeting Taecyeon- nim. I saw him earlier too." Baekhyun said.

"Ah, now I know." Sehun nodded. He agreed with Baekhyun.

"Guys, it's not like that." Taeyong disagreed. They didn't believe him.


Suho was on the other van with the staffs and Kyungsoo. He still felt irritated about Jane getting attention by his sunbaenim. Why do I care about it? She can date whoever she likes. He thought.

"Hmm, hyung. Jane noona is going to quit next week. Just letting you know." Kyungsoo said.

"She can do whatever she wants. It might be better for her." Suho replied to him.

"You mean it's better for you? Hyung, I'm just wondering why you hate her so much? I mean she's not a sasaeng fan. She's a normal girl. I don't think that she did something wrong. Does she?" He's just confused.

"I don't know, maybe I'm not comfortable with her." He just shrugged.

"I know that you're only doing that because of our bad experienced before, but hyung --" Kyungsoo was supposed to finish what he's saying.

"It's not about that now, I already moved on with it. Let's not talk about her." He shut him up.

Kyungsoo did what his hyung wanted him to do, he stopped asking him. He wanted to knock his head out because his acting like a child, but he just let him be.


After they ate at Subway, they're headed to Lotte Mall for fan signing. The event organizer took them to their respective seats. Taeyong was trying to call Jane because they're about to start and they needed some help.

"I wish noona will be here." Sehun mumbling about Jane.

"She'll be here." Chen reassured him.

"There she is." Baekhyun said while pointing at her coming in.

"I'm glad." Sehun felt relieved. He just felt happy whenever Jane noona's around. She's liked an older sister to him.


"What took you so long?" Taeyong asked her.

"Oppa, I have to take the bus to get here. After 2pm performance, I left right away." She tried to explain it to him.

"Your man didn't take you here, that's too bad." He's shaking his head.

"His my friend oppa! Aish!! You say it one more time I'll smacked you." She warned him.

"You guys looks lively." Suho approached them. "Did you enjoy your date?" He said leaning closer to her. Jane tried to kept her distance with him. What's wrong with him?"

"Well, I did enjoy it. Thanks for asking." She gave him the greatest smile that would pissed him off.

"That's good to hear. Well, since your here you might do your job." He's pissed. He turned around and walked away.

"What's up with that guy?" Taeyong acted all confused.

"Who knows? He gets mad at me all the time." Jane shrugged.

"You think his jealous?"

"Why would he be jealous? Oppa his not interested with me." Jane said.

After the fan signing, Jane sat in the van remembering Suho's smile that day. She wished to see him smile all the time not being grumpy every time she's around.

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