Part 10

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Jane woke up because her phone was ringing. She picked it up from the side table close to her bed. She didn't bother looking who's calling.

"Hello?" She said still half-awake.

"Jane, it's me Taecyeon. Are you free Saturday night?" Oh, it's Taecyeon oppa. She hadn't heard anything from him since then.

"Oh! Oppa, long time no talk." She got up. "Saturday?" She went to see her calendar on her desk. Blank. "I'm free on Saturday night." She said.

"That's good then. I'll see you Saturday." He hanged up. What's up with him? She got ready herself to work.


She was on the way to work when she saw Suho waiting for her outside the apartment.

"Aren't you in a wrong place?" She said to him. He looked at her. She could feel heart racing again. Jane, just calm down. You got this. He probably just happened to stop by to see oppa. She tried to convince herself.

"No, I was waiting for you." He said without any hesitation. She got confused.

"Last thing I remember, I don't want to see you." She passed him.

"Jane." The way he called her name, it made her feel happy. "I'm----" He didn't finish what he's saying. They got interrupted with Suho's phone rang. He excused himself to her.

He was talking to Sehun, she knew because he kept his name all the time. He turned to face her after the call.

"So?" Jane was being impatient.

"I forgot what I'm supposed to say." She couldn't believe this guy. She shook her head.

"I'm leaving." She turned around.

"Jane." He called her name again. She tried to ignore him. "Jane!" He catch-up so fast and caught her hand.

"What?" She turned around to face him. "I'm sorry." He looked pity and funny. Kim Junmyeon apologizing to her? Seriously? He looked so damn cute too. Argh! She shook that thought out.

"Your sorry for what?" She rolled her eyes . "I'm sorry if I said hurtful words to you. I wanted to say it a long time ago." So, it took him a while to say it. Why now?

"I think it's better if we just forget what we said and done in the past." She said and turned around. She looked at her watch she's going to be late.

"I'll take you to work." He's offering her a ride. He took her hand and they walked towards his car. "No, I can go by myself." She protested but he closed the passenger door and went to the driver side.

"No, I'll take you." He started the ignition.

There's a silence between them. She didn't try to talk to him. Her mind was so busy analyzing how this guy beside her. Changed.

They arrived at SM.

"I'll walk you to your department." She unfastened her seatbelt. "Anya, I can go." She protested. She got out from the car but Suho still following her. She rolled her eyes from the thought.

Everyone was surprised that she walked with Suho in the office. He didn't leave until he made sure that she's in her cubicle. She find him weird and cute and the same time.

Her heart racing again. Omo!

"So, your namjachingu take you to work. That's cute." Jane rolled her eyes. Unbelievable. "Oppa, his not my boyfriend." She said.

"Jinjja!?" Jangmo was surprised. "The way he looked at you all the time, you could tell that he likes you." Jane disagreed with it. "Anya, that guy hates my guts. Believe me." She sure of it.

"I know guys better than you baby sis. He even give me an angry look when I'm with you. He acts like he owns you." Jane couldn't believe what he said. All she think about him was a heartless person to her.

"Nah, I don't believe it." She's shaking her head.

Time flies and it's already night time. Jane got up from her chair. She waved goodbye to her coworkers. Jungmo already left an hour ago for a meeting.

She was outside waiting for a bus, when a familiar car stopped in front of her. The window rolled down.

It's Suho.

"Hop in. I'll take you home." This is crazy. She ignored him. "Jane" Argh. That feeling when he called her name. Jane stop it. She shook her head.

"I'll take the bus home." She said. She thought his going to give up. No. Suho came out and took her. "Suho, I said no." He ignored her. She got in the car.

"What's wrong with you?" She snapped. "I'm taking you home." She got confused. Home? "I said home." Omo! Did she said it out loud. Before she could say anything, they're already in front of Exo's dorm building.

"Why are you taking me here?" She said. "Aren't you hungry? Let's go!" He took her hand and they took the elevator.

It was so quite, she didn't see anybody except him. "They're on vacation. It's just me and Kyungsoo here for a week." He noticed her. "I didn't see Kyungsoo." She said. "He went out for a while with his hyungs. He was busy filming a movie recently. He should be here." Ah. She remembered that they were given a week off before the concert.

"Watch tv first, I will prepare for dinner." He went to the kitchen. Jane was looking around the dorm. It was huge. Well, of course nine people lived there. It was kinda messy, instead of watching tv she rolled her selves and she started picking up the mess on the floor.

She saw a picture on the shelf, there's 12 members. She looked at it. Suho snatched the picture from her. "You shouldn't mingle with someone's business." He sounded hurt instead of being mad.

"I'm sorry." She lowered her head. She could feel his sadness through his voice. He put the picture back on the shelf. "Dinner's ready."

They went to the kitchen, silence engulfed them. They heard somebody opening the door.

"Hyung, I'm home." Its Kyungsoo-ah. Suho stood up quickly, he went to see Kyungsoo.

"Oh, Kyungsoo-ah, welcome back." He said. Jane went to see him too. "Noona, I didn't know your here. Annyeong haseyo." He politely said to her.

"It's good to see you too, Kyungsoo-ah." She said. "I think I should better go now." She thought it was a perfect timing to leave since Kyungsoo was there. "Your not going to stay for a while?" Kyungsoo asked. She felt bad, it's like she's avoiding them again.

"I guess, I can." She felt defeated. She went to sit down on the couch, Suho went back to the kitchen to clean up.

"It's really been a while, noona. It's hard to get your time to come and see us." He was glad to see her. Jane always admired Kyungsoo for being a good friend. He looked squishy and cute too.

"I'm really sorry."

"Ani, I understand noona. If it's not hyung's fault, you would still be our manager." Suho heard it. "I already apologized to her." He defended himself.

"I haven't said that I forgive you." She raised her eyebrow.

"Hyung it will take time to forgive and forget."



Suho took her back to the apartment.

"Gomawoyo." She said shyly. Suho put his hand on her shoulder and the other hand cupped her head. They were just staring at each other. She felt butterflies on her stomach as he pulled her closer to him. Suho's face was about an inch away from hers.

She closed her eyes knowing they're going to kiss. But he kissed her on the forehead. She felt a bit disappointed.

"Goodnight." He said to her smiling.

"Go- go- - Goodnight." She stuttered. Damn. She lost her cool. Suho find it amusing. She rolled her eyes.

"Arasso! I'm leaving now." He said goodbye to her.

Jane was still mesmerized by his kissed. She couldn't believe that he's changing. She remembered Jungmo oppa told her that he liked her. Anya, stop being delusional Jane. Your not his type. She shook her head.

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