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Steve wakes up the following morning, feeling some cold skin surrounding him. He opens his eyes and looks to what's holding him: James.

Well... it isn't exactly James. Just the mass of the body is holding him. Steve carefully makes himself free from the soft flubby grip, rarely understanding where he is, he stands up. Looking around, starting to remember where he is and why the prison isn't a prison anymore. It's James house. The big house. 

Steve looks down at the guy he's meant to safe and take care of. Cute, sweet, Nerd, but not too nerdy since the glasses have disappeared from the guy's face. Steve gets himself some water and sits down in front of the guy who's sleeping against the wall in a sort of sitting position. 

He watches him while the voices in his head speaks out. Telling him to cut, to hurt, to kill himself, but he ignores. He gently strokes the boy in front of him, skin feels soft, flobby and just weird in fact. "James." Steve whispers, sort of anxious all so sudden overwhelming him.

James opens one of his eyes to see the blonde creature sitting in front of him with anxious eyes.

"I'm worried..." Steve says.

James sighs. "Everything is fine." He mutters.

Steve shakes his head. 

James sighs and closes his eye again, tired, he just wants to sleep.

"James." Steve says.

"Not now." James mutters, and continues to sleep.

Steve backs away and rolls up in a ball and sits in silence. While the demons take over his brain. He shakes slightly and lets his nails stick into his legs, squeezing it to get any kind of sense of control.

Steve did have panic attacks and other stuff but it was quite structural over there so he could cope it, he could handle them. But out here in the freedom, no structure, too much space and lots of 'weapons' to harm himself or others with.

He gives a quick look over at James, the flub of skin gives him a sort of desperation to cut it all off and stitch it back on. He closes his eyes and squeezes them tight. "Lose it. Lose it. Lose it." He hisses to himself.

"Lose what?" James asks, half asleep.

"the fat." Steve responds quickly.

James nods and continues to sleep. Not noticing in what kind of mental hell Steve is being.


Hello hello, Like you notice is book 3 of the series quite different and weird. I'll have to admit that it hurts me to do this to Steve.. 

I'm really not sure what to do with this book so in fact, I'd like to get suggestions, ideas or get to hear what you think what would happen, who your fave character is and the hates and love moments through the entire series, so it'll help me up with ideas.

Also a little note... In my last book I've noted that it isn't going that well with me, and I'm still or actual better said... again not doing that well.. that's actual the main reason why Stevey is getting hurt like this...


- Elly 

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