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"James!" Steve moves over to his friend. "James! James! James!" Steve calls as he shakes him. Tears start to stream down his face. "Wake up! Wake up! Please James.. wake up!" He's filling up with panic as the big boy keeps silently laying on the ground, only some weak breaths been taken in and out by the massive guy.

"I shouldn't have yelled! I should have kept it all inside and now you came over and I've probably killed you!" Steve cries into him, still wet (and naked) from the shower. 

Steve curls up as a small little ball next to the big one, terrified, anxious and still hearing voices.

'I told you, you'd kill him, I told you, I told you, I told you' 

"SHUT UP!" Steve shouts, moving himself slightly tighter to the passed out boy. He grabs a towel and hides himself under it as he clings to the warm soft skin next him.

"Steve..?" A weak whispering voice asks.

"I've killed you.." Steve cries.

James doesn't move, he can't.. he has spilled too much energy, he closes his eyes.

Steve wraps the towel shakily around his middle and sits down onto his knees. Tears streaming down his face. Stroking the huge creature next him like stroking a cat. "I'm sorry..." He sobs, wiping tears away with his other hand, looking at the red face caused by pure exhaustion. 

"James...?" Steve asks softly, broken.. terrified and guilty.

'HE'S DEAD' the voice in Steve's head shouts. 

"No! He's not!" Steve shouts outs loud in response, feeling James breathing. "You're lying to me." he says softer.

Steve carefully and anxiously stretches his legs pulls James head onto his lap and strokes his face. Guilty, protective but most of all.. silent.

Steve looks down, staring at James face for ages... 20 minutes have past, James hasn't woken, but his face has gone from red to a normal shade of colour, his breathing seems more normal and struggling. 

"James...?" Steve asks quietly but he doesn't response yet.

Another 10 minutes later.. Steve tries again.

"Nuggy?" He asks softly but no response.

Again time passes and after another 15 minutes.

"James... You're scaring me..." Steve's voice sounds more broken and scared.

Another 3 minutes.

"Please wake up..." Tears start to stream down Steve's face again before falling down on James neck and jawline, stroking his James cheek careful with his fingers when the silence continue again.

Another 10 minutes.

"I'm not leaving you..." Steve sobs totally broken. Shivering from the cold air that surrounds his naked body. His fingers shaking as he strokes James cheek over and over again. 

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