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James takes a nap on the sofa. He's running low on energy. He really needs to get the fat out of him soon. 

Steve watches James closely, seeing the breathing struggles, watching the body of the guy living an own life... Steve does worry about the thing that is inside the nerd. Like everyday he sees the body fat being more active and moving around without anything to happen to it, poking creates heavier waves and Steve even believes James fat makes noises... But he got a mission, taking it out. 

He knows James told him to wait, he knows James want him to be mentally well enough to do this, but something deep inside Steve's mind is calling out and telling he has to do this quick. He needs to cut open his buddy today. Not tomorrow but today...

Steve gets up and goes to the shower, the words in his head over powering him. 'Kill yourself.'  Steve groans as he walks up the stairs, entering the bathroom, closing the door, undressing himself and turning the shower on. 'kill yourself, end your life, you're a failure, you'll kill him anyway, you got hit by Ruben, you can't run away from your past, you can't face your past, the only solution is to die.' The words continue, although he's pouring ice cold shower water onto his face and body. Soaping himself up and biting his lip as the soap hits his fresh made cuts. 

Suddenly the world turns black, not fully black.. aside the grey haze. Suddenly he chokes and bows down, coughing he sinks lower till his head hits something.. it turns out to be the wall of the shower cabin but Steve doesn't know.. he can't see.. he sees a cage surrounding him. becoming smaller and smaller. The shower water changing in red bloody rain. 

He hides his head in his naked legs, wrapping his cold frozen hands around his knees, shivering, sobbing and begging it to stop. 

'Death is coming for you.' something whispers in the air.

"NO!" Steve shouts extreme anxious. 

'You can't avoid it Stevey.' the whispering voice sounds more threaten. 

"GO AWAY!" Steve shouts. "JAMES!!!!" Steve screams anxious when he's feeling something hot onto his back.

He opens his eyes and looks up in the air, getting attacked by the freezing cold shower water. He backs away, the hot feeling onto his back disappears when he does and he pushes himself against the wall. Staring with big anxious eyes to the water that's falling.

'He's gonna die.' the voice repeats several times slowly. 

"Go away!" Steve shouts, shaking heavily. 

'He's gonna die.' The voice says again. 

"NO HE'S NOT! I look after him!" Steve cries out.

'You're gonna kill him.' The voice says.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Steve breaks down in tears.

He's crying for two hours till the water suddenly stops falling. Steve looks up as he sees a blurry figure standing in front of him, heavily breathing and sinking to the floor from pure exhaustion. 

"James...?" Steve whispers croaky and anxious.

But the creature has fainted.

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