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A few days have passed by and James isn't that well in fact. He's just rolled up in a kind of ball and never leaves the sofa... not that he really got a choice but still.

Steve is just trying to take good care of him, trying to making him eat, to get him to the bathroom and all that small kind of things. But James has become some sort of lifeless fat zombie.

Steve tries to get some life into the boy. "Nugnug." Steve says, teasingly and knowing James would usually react to it, not being able to refuse the annoying nickname but nothing happens. Steve sighs worried. "Come on... You've been like this for days.." He says, but again James doesn't show a sign of life.

Steve starts to shake him gently, making the fat move around as a waterbed. "James." Tears start to fill in his eyes. "JAMES!" Steve shouts anxiously in the face of his big nugget.

Steve stares, he feels himself getting cold, His heart bounces painfully by every beat it makes. He slides down, curling up as a small ball next the huge nugget and starts to cry.

"I've failed you..." Steve whispers while his tears run down his face, falling onto the soft sofa.








"Steve?" James asks in a low soft barely hearable voice.

Steve's eyes widen as he turned to face the guy. "I thought you died.." He whispers brokenly.

James remains silent, staring at the blonde crying man in front of him. "I'm alive.." James whispers back, shocked. He notices Steve yelled at him, calling out his name, screaming and shaking him. But James did respond to all of those.. it was Steve's mind playing games on him, creating the deathscene that never actual happened.

Steve brokenly smashes himself into James and cries for like forever.

James cradles him, knowing something is really not well in the brain of the poor lad. "We need to talk." James says as he believes Steve is sort of okay.

Steve nods.

"What's going on in your head..?" James asks.

Steve hides deeper in James soft chest.

"Tell up." James commands gently.

"I see and hear things... Screams.. voices... scenes... Telling me to kill.. telling me to cut... telling me to die... Making all the grounds disappear around me.. as a black hole I'd fall in. Looking at my arms seeing blood stream while it never streams... seeing a green substance leaving my veins... feeling dark shivers running over my spine... Dreaming of death.." Steve tells, Hidden in the boy's chest who's carefully stroking him.

"Why did you think I was dead..?" James then asks carefully. Scared about the things he just heard.

"I called you and you didn't respond... I shook you and you kept still... I stared at you and didn't see you breathe.." Steve mumbles.

"I talked to you... Told you to breathe." James responds whispering, cradling Steve protective.

"No.. You were dead.." Steve's eyes fill again with tears and digs his head deep down in the soft flub of fat, crying out every pinch of emotion.

"sssh... It's alright." James tries but knows this is hopeless.

"SHUT UP!" Steve shouts as he turns his head to an direction where nothing is.

"Steve...?" James asks quietly.

Steve's nails pushing into James skin, squeezing him out of fear.

"Sssh.. ignore it buddy.. ignore it.." James tries, cradling him, wanting him to calm down, trying to make him calm down. Carefully pulling Steve's head back against his chest, stroking it protective while the blonde boy stares to the empty wall, not letting go of the sight. It terrifies James. "I'm here.. I protect you.. Nothing is gonna happen." James says soothing, cradling and shielding him for the 'invisible fear'.

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