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Around midnight James finally let Steve do the last pieces of surgery.

Steve prepares, cleaning James' stomach with alcohol, cleaning the knife with the heat, cleaning the needle and nylon threads. Steve looks down at James. "I'm ready to start. Do you trust me enough?" He wants to make sure cause a lot of things happened.

"I trust you." James replies, plugging in the earphones and playing the meditation music.

Steve starts to cut in James' stomache extreme careful. Steve is aware of the danger, the stomach is the most dangerous place to of the body to do this stuff because of all the organs, he has to be careful, he doesn't know if the yellow substance did anything to James organs like moving them or anything. As soon a small cut has formed the fat starts to drip out and move like jelly pudding.
Steve makes the cut bigger just big enough his hand fits in, he cleans his hand and takes a breathe before pulling out the first bits of the stuff. It's falling apart... like lose cells or little marbles that won't connect. Steve has noticed before that the fat behaves different like everytime he cuts in James, sometimes it's slimey, sometimes it's like concrete sometimes it's elastic and right now like marbles. Cold slimey marbles.

He throws the fat in a new garbage bag, it's the third bag he has since he started the whole surgery.

Carefully bringing his hand deeper in the stomach, feeling slimey meaty organs around his fingers moving in space.

Steve's eyes widen, knowing this can't be good. He makes the cut bigger to get a better view, seeing the yellow substance and the organs pressing against each other, damaging the organs. Steve doesn't hesitate at all and quickly starts to take out all the yellow stuff he can see. making sure the organs are good in place.


he reaches James' chest.. Ribs surrounded by the yellow stuff. he takes the tweezers and pick up 'marble' by 'marble' out of James' body.

It is by the morning when Steve finally sees something precious.. the heart. A small brown beating heart, and a few thick veins.. He shouldn't touch it. He shouldn't touch a small inch of it.. otherwise James might die.. one wrong move and all blood will spit out.

Steve removes his hand from the chest, looking through the white rips that protect a beating little heart which is surrounded by yellow fat marbles..

The insecurance fills up his head.. this is tricky.. very tricky..

'You're gonna kill him.' the voice in his head starts.

Steve shakes his head. slowly moves to James head and looks at the sleeping guy with earphones in. Fear running down spine as little shivers Steve decides not to wake him. Knowing it's a little too tricky now.. yet he needs some mental support and in fact.. because the promise not allowed to do this.

Steve sits against the bathtub and looks at the body beneath him.

'You're gonna kill him.' the voice says again.

"I'm not." Steve responses. "I don't make that mistake again."

'you are.'

"The past isn't the resent time. Not everything repeats." Steve mumbles.

'Oh yes it does.'

"Just shut up." Steve makes his hand to a fist.

The voice goes silent.

Steve sighs cleans his hands and runs them through his messy hair. He needs to shower and same for James. Man... that guy hasn't gotten a proper clean up for over 2 weeks..

Steve starts to stroke James' fat cheek. "I'm not gonna kill you." He says protective. Taking a small break to gain courage for the trickest part he has to do.

Steve takes a deep breathe, cleans the tweezers as he leans over the cut open chest, moving the tweezers gently between the ribs and starting to pull out yellow fatty marbles near the heart. Seeing it beat every second, hypnotically and calming. He hears the bouncy noises.. Kaboom-boom ... kaboom-boom ... kaboom-boom.

Breathing slowly, his fingers shaking slightly as closer he has to get to the heart.. to the two big veins that means life or death..

Picking out the yellow substance.. bigger parts and smaller.. slowly but gentle...

Midday... Steve is running low on energy as a soft boy's voice says his name.

Steve looks up to see a wakened James. "Don't look at your chest...." Steve says. Aware James might get shocked and getting a heart attack to see himself cut open like that.

James nods. "What time is it..?"

"Twelve-fifteen." Steve replies.

"Have you slept..?" James asks worried, noticing how tired Steve has gotten.

"I can't.. critical surgery going on.." He sighs. as he runs a finger gently onto a rib bone.

"Don't..." James says.

"How do you-"

"know?" James finishes it off. "I feel it. The music ran out of batery." He sighs.

Steve nods slowly. "I think I'll be finished within two hours.. I guess i'll take rest then."

"Do you need to do much surgery further?" James asks getting crazy over the fact he hasn't seen anything else but the bathroom since the past 4 days.

"Your neck and head. I guess it will take another 4 or 5 hours.." Steve sighs.

James sighs wearly.

"But after that's finished you're normal again. well... you need to eat.." Steve adds.

"No." James replies quickly.

"James." Steve says warningly.

"I can't eat... everytime I do.. it reminds me of Sacha. I killed her Steve." James says.

"It was an accident."

'Talking about yourself freak?' the voice starts up.

"Accident caused by myself." James replies.

"I know how it feels, but you got to move on and just.. don't do it again. You got already paid back for what happened. Your fault has been made up in balance." Steve says as he plays with the tweezers.

'You haven't made up balance idiot.'

"I'm doing the same now.. I safe you because I couldn't before." Steve explains actual more to his voice than to James.

James goes speechless.

Steve sighs.

'He'll hate you.'

"I've to continue surgery now.. don't ask anything, okay? this is tricky.." Steve leans forward, prepares and continues.

Leaving a speechless thinking James in silence.


Another 1018 words XD woohoo...

tell me what you think, if you got any theories about Steve's past or anything that might happen to the boys. things you hope, stuff you hate or purely love.

Let me know so I got some inspiration :)

- Elly

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