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^Awww Tyler❤️❤️^Phil's POV:

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^Awww Tyler❤️❤️^
Phil's POV:

"I don't know man, I just think that Mr. Joan is really weird." Pj said with a slight laugh to his voice.

"It's not like he can help it! He struggles with ADHD. I'm pretty sure he told us that once in the beginning of the year." I responded slightly defensive towards the targets of Pj's first impression-judging.

PJ, or "Peej" as his other close friends and I call him, is my best friend. Sure, I've got loads of friends, but Pj has been friends with me for as long as I could remember.

There was one thing that Peej didn't know about me, that nobody knew about me. Not even my parents. I can read what people are feeling. It's kind of hard to explain, I don't necessarily feel what other people are feeling, I just know. I can't just think of somebody and know what they're feeling, I have to be somewhat close. Maybe 100 yards radius? I'm not sure to be honest.

It can be a bit annoying though. To know if I've hurt someone. I know I'm the "jock who goes through girls like there's no tomorrow" but I don't like doing that. I'm not really sure why I do that. Maybe it's because of how broken I am? But after I've let the girl go, and can tell how hurt she is, it does hurt me too. I don't like to hurt people, I just don't. But I have to, because that's part of my act. My act, my plan, to push everyone away. Just be a total jackass until everybody hates me. It didn't used to be like this.

All of a sudden I bumped into someone and dropped my things. "Oh, sorry" he muttered quietly. I was just about to yell at them when all of a sudden I saw who they were. The boy. Dan, I think? The boy who can read minds. I noticed what he was feeling and shuddered. Complete tragedy, lost, empty, scared, nervous, anxious, basically every bad emotion there is except for anger.

    He had brown straight hair, much like my black hair, only his was going the opposite way. He had warm brown eyes too. He was beautiful and probably about the same height as me, about 1.91 meters (sorry if that's wrong idk metric. Customary: about 6'3) He hadn't noticed me standing there yet though, he was bending down to help me pick up my things. Peej moved me out of the way, I was about to ask what he was doing when the brown haired boy was jolted upward, Peej picked him up by his shirt collar.

"Watch where you're going, idiot." Pj's words sounded cold as he spit them out at the other boy. I could tell what he was thinking, he had told me his opinion before when Dan had come on the news. He thought Dan was a freak and didn't belong.

    The boy shrank back, feeling defeat. He must have been used to being bullied, considering what he has to live with. I quickly grabbed Pj's shoulder back in an attempt to get him away from Dan. "Woah, woah, Peej, calm down. It's okay. It was an accident." I quickly spoke reassuringly. I glanced at the boy, he was looking at me, eyes glossed over with what I presumed was tears. He was feeling confused, and shocked... was it that I told Peej to back off? Had no one ever done that for him? If that was the case I felt terrible.

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