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^I love him^
Phils POV:

"I'm home!" I called out as I opened the white, wooden, front door of my house. I had a pretty crazy day, considering one of my many one-night-stands slapped me and the new boy at school felt nothing except pure fear, something I had never seen before in my whole life. But, then again, people involved in terrorist attacks or natural disasters probably feel like that, I've just never been in one. But, if people in places like that feel that way, why did he in the middle of s classroom?
"Hi! How was school?" I saw my mum coming out of the laundry room that came off of the kitchen, making her way into the dining room to fold the basket of clean clothes she was carrying against her hip. Apparently she hadn't noticed the mark on my face and the school hadn't bothered calling my parents to tell them what had happened either.
"Okay I guess." I made my way to the kitchen, shrugging and opening up the cherry wood cabinet door to get a bag of crisps for an after school snack. As I walked through the dining room , she looked up and, I assume, noticed my face.
"Phil! What in God's name happened to your face?" She sounded beside herself, like she couldn't believe her eyes. "Karen! Come in here! Look at Phil!" She shouted from the dining room, attempting for my mother to hear from upstairs.
    I learned that, in fact, she could hear her from upstairs when I heard her coming down the steps. She came into the kitchen, seeming slightly on edge and alarmed. "Yes love? What's wrong??" Wow mum, way to make her think there's a murderer outside or something. Now you've got her all worked up.
    "Phil sweetie, face your mother." I looked at my shoes, slowly turning around but taking my time, wishing I could melt. I really didn't like lying to my mum's. I would have to though, because they didn't know about all the girls.
    I finally started to look up at my mother after what felt like an eternity. "Karen, look at his face!" My mother looked just as shocked as my mum had a few moments earlier.
I'm going to be honest, I'm a bit of a goody two shoes. I get good grades, always try to be home on time, respect my mums, so I very rarely came home with bruises on my face. Not unless we play dodgeball in gym or something and I don't pay attention. That doesn't normally happen though, I'm pretty good at sports.
"Phil, sweetie, what happened? Who did this?" She sounded so concerned. Not only did I feel bad for sleeping around with girls because it's wrong, but also ashamed because I know how my mums would feel if they found out. I simply shrugged my shoulders.
"I, uh, fell. I was walking out of school and there was a rock lying in front of a tree. I tripped over it and my face hit the tree. No one hit me." Wow Phil, very creative. They both looked very apprehensive. I doubt they even believed my story. They looked at each other as if communicating with their eyes, that thing parents do.
Should we let him go? Do you believe him? I imagined they were thinking. They looked back at me and I looked at them. "Can I go to my room now please?"
"Yeah, yeah sweetie, you can go." My mum spoke slightly quiet. She stared at me, looking concerned. I quickly tuned into her thoughts for a brief moment. Confused, concerned, worried, apprehensive, unsure.
     "Thanks." I mumbled quickly. I left the dining room and rushed to the stairs, looking at the
wooden floor all the way. I grabbed my backpack and went up the stairs two at a time. I always felt weird doing this at home. I have carpeted steps and I always felt like I was going to slip with my socks on. I went into the second door on the left, my room.
    I walked over to my desk, not feeling in the mood to do homework. I hung my backpack on the backrest of the glossy oak chair that partnered my desk. I plopped onto my bed, sinking into the cool blue checkered duvet. I turned on my phone, holding onto the yellow case of its back.
    I went into Pj's contact, laughing at the contact photo I had for him. (It was him making a funny face)
     Moe: Do you want to come over and hang out tonight?

    DJ-PJ: Yeah sure, should I come over now?


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