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Phil's POV

Dan and I walked home after school as usual, only we hadn't met at the gate. We walked out of school together, hand in hand, smiling brightly. I had even sat with him st lunch, under the large oak tree. The only tree, in fact, that our school had.

He even seemed to be eating better. His wrists were clear, as I had discovered one afternoon.

We had been sitting under the tree for lunch where we'd been sitting for the past few days. The sun was trying to claw its way through the clouds and was succeeding. Light poured out over the dew-covered grass around the tree. On the green ground there was a shadow cast by the tree in which we were sitting under. Dan's head was rested on my left shoulder, his left hand in my right. In his other hand he held a carton of chocolate milk, in which he was drinking with a straw. I turned over his arm with my hand. "Your arm is clean. The scratches faded away. I'm proud of you, Dan."

He set his carton down on the sea-foam green tray in which the rest of his lunch was sitting. "I haven't felt the need to. I've felt so much better, and it's all because of you. Just when I was about to finally break; about to use real blades; about to skip all meals, not just one; about to give up, you come along." He said it in such a sincere voice that the huge smile on my face was completely involuntary.

"You're the best boyfriend I could ask for, Dan Howell. You!re my bear. I'm so glad that o can be here fo you. I always will be. Always and forever."

"And you, Phil Lester, are my angle bean. You're the reason there's a smile on my face. You're the reason I get out of bed in the morning. You always will be. Always and forever. Thank you."

"No, thank you." He replied.

"No, thank you!" I said, laughing.

"No, I insist, thank you!"

We both went on like this for another minute or so, laughing after the first two times. I truly was so thankful to have him in my life.

Surprisingly, Pj took it better than I thought he would. He said he was fine with it as long as I was happy. I suppose I should've expected this. We had been friends forever, after all. He even apologized to Dan for the way he had acted. Obviously, with Dan's trust issues, he smiled at Pj but I could tell he didn't trust him yet. I wouldn't try to make him trust Pj, I understood and was okay with it.

We continued to be open about our relationship for the next week or so. I still felt just as happy as I had since the first day we kissed. It felt like that feeling would never go away.

Another week passed. Dan's parents didn't know about us, seeing as they didn't know Dan even liked anyone other than girls. I was okay with it. I knew he wasn't ashamed of me. I knew I shouldn't be pushy, but instead give him time. I wanted him to be comfortable and confident when he comes out to his parents. He shouldn't feel rushed.

On yet another average day, we reached Dan's house. I walked with him up to the door. We were holding hands and kissed each other gently as we stopped in front of the door. I swore I'd never get over the butterflies I felt in my stomach, the pulsing and beating in my heart, and the explosions inside my head every time we kissed.

Suddenly, I heard the noise of a door opening and a man gasping. "DAN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" I felt Dan freeze next to me. We pulled apart and I would've have felt embarrassed if it wasn't for the worry I had for Dan.

His face was drained of colour. He looked utterly horrified, as if he'd just seen a ghost. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Apparently, though, Dan's father did. "Get in here Dan, NOW." Dan gave me a pleading look and I saw tears well in his eyes. I squeezed his hand one last time before letting go. I couldn't bring myself to tune into his feelings. I stood there, refusing to move from Dan's side though. I wouldn't just leave. I couldn't.

    His father grabbed his arm a bit aggressively, and pulled him inside. I started to walk in as well, determined to support him, but his dad wouldn't allow it. He yanked Dan inside and threw himself in front of him, glaring at me.

    "Leave" was all he said. I stood there though, staying persistent. I would help him. I wouldn't leave without putting up a fight. I knew what Dan's dad was like. Dan loved him but, the man was horrifying. "LEAVE!"

    I stood there. Then, I heard a small, timid voice. It was the voice of the boy I had first met in that hallway on the first floor of school. The one who helped me pick up my things. It was shy and quiet, scared, even. Although, there was one thing that set it apart this time: it sounded worried as well. "D-D-Dad... please. J-Just leave P-Phil alo-alone. Ple-Please."

"Get away from my house! I don't want you near it, you scum! You've got my son thinking he's some sort of queer!" He was yelling at me. I could see Dan, tears flowing from his eyes like a waterfall, over his father's shoulder.

He nodded at me as if telling me it was okay to give up. I wish I hadn't, but I knew I wasn't going to be any help. I was just making his dad more mad. "Okay, I'll go." As his dad turned around to close the door, I quickly mouthed something to Dan. Text me. He nodded, and I knew he understood. I backed away and then turned around, going back to my house.

I went inside and ran directly to my room, locking the door. I plopped onto my bed and took out my phone. Putting in my earbuds to calm my nerves, I stared at the screen and waited for a text.

A/N: Calm down, dudes. I know this was a short chapter but I'm publishing the next one tonight. I promise. It's already mostly written, just going to write in a few hundred more words.

1,073 words

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