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^I don't know how tf is related but I'm wheezing^
Dan's POV

    I felt my eyes slide half-way open, then close. I opened them up again and saw a figure on the floor. The top of it was jet black, then the colour of pale skin, followed by blue, and black at the bottom again. My eyelids rolled the rest of the way open to reveal Phil on his phone, sitting on one of the bean bags.

I groaned and stretched, trying to decease the tired state I was in. Phil clearly hadn't noticed my being awake, until this point, when he looked up.

"Oh, hey Dan. I was literally just about to wake you up." He said, standing up and turning off his phone, putting it in his pocket. I wasn't sure why, we'd been together all morning, but I was just taking note in how adorable he looked with glasses on.

    "I didn't even know I had fallen asleep in the first place." I said, sitting up with a chuckle. "How-How long was I out for?" I rubbed my eyes as I asked.

    Phil shrugged. "Eh, not that long. Maybe two and a half hours?" He spoke, checking the time on his phone.

    "Two and a half hours? That's kind of a long time." I said, chuckling again.

    "Well, you seemed tired. You had fallen asleep this morning while I made you a smoothie, too. So, I thought letting you sleep for a bit would help." He said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah I don't really sleep very much at night, what with my anxiety and such. Like I said before when I was explaining stuff, I've had it since fourth grade but it's gotten easier to deal with over time." I spoke as my arms flopped down at my sides and I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

    "Well, do you feel a little more energized? I know you didn't sleep very much, it wasn't a very long time..." he said, running a hand through his fringe.

    While taking note to how cute he looked while doing that, I spoke. "No, no. It's fine. Better than nothing, yeah? I'm obviously still a bit groggy, having just woken up, but otherwise I'm fine." I said, stretching.

    "So, whaddah yah wanna do?" He asked as he sat on the bed next to me.

    "Ummm I don't know... go for a walk or something? A film? Get lunch? I honestly don't know." I said, looking around the room as if it would give me an idea.  "I don't go out much with friends, in case you couldn't tell." I chuckled as I finished talking.

    He laughed as he replied. "How about all three? We can go for lunch, go window shopping, and then a film. That sound okay?"

    "Yeah. That sounds great!" I said with a real smile on my face. For some reason I didn't really care much that I'd be eating, taking in calories. I just didn't like breakfast. I felt comfortable skipping one meal a day and eating the other two.

    "Cool. Should we just leave now, then?" He said, standing up and gesturing to the door.

    "Well, I'd like to fix my bed head but otherwise, yeah." I walked into the bathroom, not making eye contact with my face but only my hair. I adjusted it and turned around, walking back into my room where Phil was.


    "Yeah I'm done. Let's go." I picked up my phone, earbuds, money, keys, and a leather jacket due to the fact that it was sprinkling outside.

    While putting on my own, I noticed phil didn't have a jacket. "Do you, uh, need a jack-jacket? Or a sweatshirt?" I asked.

    "Oh uh, yeah. Yeah sure. It won't really be necessary now but it's probably going to be pouring later."

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