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Dan's POV:

    My eyes quickly flash open as I wake up from my nightmare. I sit up in my bed. I then realize it's Monday, the first day at my new school. I have to switch schools a lot because of my parents jobs. I barely actually know what they do. Something with law I think.
   I groan as I flop back onto my bed, pulling the black, grey, and white checkered blanket over my head. Why can't I be homeschooled.

   I finally get up after another five minutes or so and glance at the clock. 7:00. I need to leave soon. I get out of bed and go over to my wardrobe, grabbing a grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans.

    After showering and straightening my brown curls, I look up at myself in the mirror. I stare into my brown eyes. I point out every flaw on my body. My eyes and thighs are too big. My stomach has too much fat. You're disgusting. No wonder nobody likes you. They're all just pretending. You should just die already you mind reading freak. "I know" I quietly whisper to myself as I look down and away from the mirror.
   I head down the steps and walk into the kitchen to say good morning to my mum. My dad has probably already left for work.

   "Hey mum" I mumble quietly. "No that won't work!" She almost shouts. I glance up confused and slightly startled in my tired state. Oh. She's on the phone. She doesn't have time for you anyways. She probably won't even notice you skip breakfast.

   I listen into her thoughts   Ugh Dan be quiet!!! This phone call is important. Just eat breakfast and go to school already!! I sigh and wave to her as I grab a water bottle and get my backpack. I walk out the door without my mum saying a word to me. That's normal though. I'm used to it.

   I find the school pretty easily. My parents had driven me past it to make sure I knew where it was  so that I could walk to school. I liked living close to my school. I hated having to ride in the car with my parents. I just didn't like being around them. Or anyone, for that matter. I liked being by myself and listening to music or playing video games.

    I walked through the front doors and found the office, painting a smile on my face as usual. Not really a smile I suppose, more of just a less broken facial expression.

   "Um.... hi.  I'm Dan Howell? Today's my first day." I spoke, trying my best not to be to quiet for the petite blond woman behind the desk.

   "Oh yes! Daniel.... here's your timetable." She went on explaining basic stuff about the school and I just nodded along. I left the office and looked down at my schedule. Science first hour.

   As I was walking I bumped into somebody. "Oh sorry..." I began helping them pick their books up that had fallen when a hand grabs my shoulder. Whoever it is pulls me up into a standing position again. It's not the boy I bumped into.  This must be one of his friends.

   "Watch where you're going idiot." He spits at me. I sink down a little bit. Do they already know about my mind reading? Probably saw my face on the news or something. I listen into his thoughts. God. Who does this mind reading freak think he is??

   I sign in defeat. I was hoping I could postpone people realizing that I'm the all-famous Dan Howell mind reading freak by at least a week.

   "Woah, woah, Peej, calm down. It's okay. It was an accident." I look to the right of the brown boy haired boy, apparently Pj, who had just shouted at me. There stood one of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen.

   He had jet black hair, and blue eyes you could swim in. His eyes were filled with bits of worry and I tried to listen into his thoughts..... so why couldn't I hear anything??

    A/N: Hey guys! I know I'm an absolute crap writer and this was terrible. Sorry!! Should I continue this story?? If I do I'll make the chapters longer. I doubt anyone will even read this story anyways. But if you do, comment below I guess if you liked it and if I should keep writing!! ❤️❤️

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