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^011, anyone?😂❤️^
Phil's POV:

Peej and I had been playing Call of Duty for several hours now, having finished a few movies. "Remember when, like, forever ago, we used to play Minecraft 24/7?" Peej said, shooting me from behind a trash can where I couldn't see him.
"Hey!" I said in defeat as I died. "And besides, I still like Minecraft! I just never play it anymore. It got kind of boring, I guess."
"I know. I mean, some people are like 'Minecraft is only for kids!' But I feel like it can be for any age."
"Yeah, I agree. Oh! I'm going to get you no—" I was cut off by shouting from next door. It was hardly comprehendible, but it definetley sounded like Dan and another man, I assumed, was his dad.
I looked over a Peej through the side of my eye to see his facial expression. He looked neutral and continued playing. I tuned into his feelings. Bothered. Frustrated. Aggravated. Perplexed.
I pretended I didn't hear and went on with the game. I thought I heard, from the one who I assume was Dan, say something like "I'm up all night with my anxiety!" But I wasn't totally sure...

. . .

My eyes flashed open and I squinted through the light that shined its way across my room. I looked around, stretching out my arms.
"Uhhhhh." I heard, but it wasn't me. I looked over and saw Peej passed out in the green bean bag next to me. Did we fall asleep playing Call of Duty? I laughed at myself as I thought this. Wait, today is Wednesday, isn't it? School!
"Peej. Peej. Peej! PJ LIGOURI!" I said, trying to shake him out of his sleepy state. "We have to get ready for school, get up!"
"Wha- Oh!" He said, bolting upright and almost head butting me. "What time is it??" He said, rubbing his eyes.
"Uh," I said, looking around for my phone. I picked up the blue bean bag I had slept on and looked underneath it. Found it. "6:50. We've got to leave in a bit, so try to hurry." I spoke as I stood up, brushing the popcorn crumbs off myself.
"Ugh. Did we fall asleep playing C.O.D.?" He spoke, standing up and brushing off crumbs as well.
"I think so." I looked at the T.V. which was still on, glancing at the stats. "Ha! I won!" I said, stabbing my hand towards the screen.
"Ugh, that's not fair! I was exhausted. And we do not speak of my old name! Call me Pj Holmes. Sounds soooo much cooler. " He said, groaning and tossing his head backwards. "Ughhh do we have to go to school?" He spoke, walking over to his bag and taking out his clean clothes anyways.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to my wardrobe, taking out a red plaid shirt and black skinny jeans. "Yes, Peej. It's school. Although, I would do anything to already know all the information but not have to go to school."
"You know what would be cool? If we could just stay at home and watch a livestream of the classroom while they teach at the board." He spoke as he pulled his shirt off over his head and put on the one he had packed.
"Yeah, that would be awesome... wait. Why don't we already do that?" I said laughing. Pj just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't think we'll have time to shower either. We'll just have to shower tonight then."
"Oh yeah, I probably won't be over tonight to hang out, either. I've got loads of science to do. I understand it, I just hate it." He said, sighing.
"Ha Ha! I've already got all my science done for, like, the next week." I spoke tauntingly as I took of my shirt and buttoned up the new clean one.
We finished getting dressed, brushed out our disorderly hair (I straightened mine), and went on down the steps.
"Morning, boys! So, should I ask who won the game this time or will you two start arguing again?" My mother asked, laughing at us and putting two plates of eggs and toast in front of each of us. Her question was answered just by the expression Pj had on his face. "Ha! Nice Phil," she said, putting up her hand. I laughed as I gave her a high five.
"I could you guys shouting until ten o'clock last night!" She continued. "It was a mixture of one of you sounding disappointed and the other victorious. I'm okay with you staying up later-ish, just please don't be screaming past nine, okay?" She said laughing. "Honestly, so invested in those games!"
"Yeah, we can do that. And I was exhausted, Mrs. Lester! It wasn't a fair match. Your son here took advantage of my tiredness and slaughtered me!" Said Peej as he ate his toast.
"Pj, you and Phil have been friends for forever, when will you stop calling me Mrs. Lester?" She said with a laugh.
    "Well, when will you start calling me Mr. Holmes?" He said, also laughing and taking a bite of toast.
    "That's not even your name! Your last name is Lig—" Mrs. Lester said, rolling her eyes but getting cut off.
    "AH! My name is Pj Holmes. I changed it, not legally, but in here." He said, pointing to his head, still laughing. "Sounds much cooler, yes? Much better than that other name, the one we don't speak of!" We all laughed at these words as they left his mouth. Peej and I are a bit obsessed with Sherlock.
    "Peej, we've gotta go soon so fork down that food!" I said as I stuffed the eggs into my face with one hand, shoving toast into it with the other. My mum just stood back in awe at how dumb we both looked. She laughed at us and we looked up, laughing as well.
We left our plates on the island's bar as we ran up the steps. "Can you put those in the dishwasher for us, mum?" I shouted down as I went into the bathroom to get my toothbrush, Peej going to my room for his backpack, in search of his own toothbrush. After brushing our teeth we grabbed our bags and went downstairs. We slipped on our converse, his black with white laces, mine just white.
"Oh, my, gawd! Let's go get Starbucks after school! Hahaha!" I said in a mocking voice, trying to imitate a preppy girl. Peej laughed as he slipped on his other shoe, sliding his backpack over one shoulder and I did the same.
    "BYE, MUM!" I basically screamed as we walked out the front door. Peej probably would've jumped if he hadn't been used to it. He did, however, laugh at it.
"Bye, hun!" She said, not yelling as I had. "And I've already said this a million times: stop, yelling! The neighbors will hate us!" She said as Peej and I continued to laugh and I heard her chuckle from the kitchen. I grabbed my set of house keys and closed the door.
I took out my phone and unraveled the tangled mess of earbuds that had been in my pocket. "I don't understand how you can be so obsessed with music." Peej said, walking next to me and goggling at me as if I was crazy.
"How can you not? It's amazing! It's like, you don't even need lyrics to understand it. It's just beautiful!" I said as I put in my earbuds and went onto my Twentyøne Piløts playlist and pressing shuffle.
"Okay, Mr. Poetry." Peej said laughing and rolling his eyes, leaving his phone in his pocket as usual. He only took it out to text other friends from our social group.
"Ughhh." I looked over at him, peeling my eyes away from the blue sky that I had been staring idly at. This didn't sound like the usual Ugh I hate school. It sounded more annoyed and disgusted. He felt annoyed just as he had last night when he saw Dan. I followed his line of vision and saw Dan walking up ahead of us.
He was wearing black skinny jeans with black converse, as he had the previous days. Along with a black shirt that had white lines on it that made squares as the crossed. His backpack was black and grey checkered, appearing to have several pins on it (Most likely from Hot Topic. I thought) but I couldn't see what they were from the distance. I could, however, see a white wire standing out from the black, going to each ear. His hair was also in the usual straight fringe style, just like mine only opposite direction.
"Peej, he honestly isn't that bad. He seems nice!" I said in my usual slightly defensive tone. "You can't judge a book by its cover. Hey, Dan!" I almost shouted. There he continued to walk down the pavement, staring up at the sky for a change instead of his feet. He looked kind of... at peace, almost, when he was by himself, unaware of the people close by.
He did not turn around, or reply whatsoever. "Hm. Must have his music up loud or something." Peej said in a way that clearly meant he wanted to close the subject.
"Or, maybe he doesn't want to respond because you're here and being rude so he  doesn't want to talk to us." I retorted, becoming slightly annoyed even though I barely knew Dan. Peej just simply rolled his eyes and we continued to walk in silence.

A/N: Hello people. Sorry I haven't updated in forever and when I do it takes forever to do it again. 1. I've just been very stressed with school. I'd say I've been doing loads of homework, but I'm not. I don't do the homework😂. 2. Just very stressed and haven't really been in the
writing-mood. Now that it's Christmas break and my usual friends are upset with me, I'll have more time to write I guess!
    Also, I'm going to start putting how many words are at the end of each chapter. Not sure why, I guess just to give a rough estimation and so I can keep track of it for each chapter😂. Time to proofread this, bye!❤️
Edit: Sorry to anyone who has post notifications on for this story and is confused! Basically, after typing "time to proofread this" I had a brain fart and pushed "Publish" instead of saving it. I hadn't proofread it yet though. I immediately unpublished it so I could read through it. Sorry for the confusion!❤️

1,608 words

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