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^That was the other possibility for the cover photo of this story. Clearly I found the other one with the man on the dock and used that instead. This would have had the title in a fancier font though too. (ironically the song Trees just came on while typing this😂)
Dan's POV:

Sitting on my bed, staring at my phone and listening to music is my typical night. Generally, I try to clean my room, brush my teeth, shower. You know, actually take care of myself. That can be a challenge though when you don't care.

I usually try my best to write as well. I love writing, poetry, music, art, photography. It's the only beauty in the world. The way I see it, every single human being is a piece of shit. And if they aren't now, they will be someday. Polluting the earth just like the gas from the cars they drive down the roads. But roads are just an escape from past problems to what they think is a good future.

Terrorism, shootings, bombs, fires, building collapses, plane crashes, car crashes, sadness, sorrow, loneliness, heartbreak. they're all caused by humans. Yeah, loneliness. If there was only one human on this planet he wouldn't know what lonely is because he wouldn't know any different, yes?

Anyways, the writing. I love writing because every word says something. Every period, coma, colon, dash... semi colon.

I'm sure everyone has heard of the semi colon. It's supposed to be drawn on your wrist since authors use it when the sentence could have ended, but they chose to continue it. It's kind of like if you could have ended your life but chose to live. I wear one almost every day. No one notices. Not even my family and they know what it is.

I love poetry because it can apply to so many situations. Poetry can often be vague and very general. This way, loads of people can relate to it rather than just one. It's like... a story, but watered down. Familiar to most.

The reason I love music is because it's... well, music. It's special. There's nothing else like it. You can't describe it with just words, it's feelings too. For example, I love classical. I don't listen to it very often, but I do love it. I love that so so many years ago, these people were telling a story with a piano, just with keys. They can tell stories of love, hate, heartbreak, happiness, joy, anger, anxiety, everything. Just with notes, no lyrics.

Now, with poetry and a beat/tune combined, bam, music. Just like that. You can listen to the instrumental, ignore the lyrics, and still understand it. Most of the time at least. Or, you can just listen to the lyrics. Every single word means something, you just have to decipher it. I'm not sure if everyone does this, due to my anti-social-depressed-stay-away-from-me kind of attitude.

But, according to one of my old neighbor, "it's truly amazing" that I can do that. Apparently it's "not something most people have the capacity to do." I liked that neighbor. She was a bit cooky, but that's okay. Really quite nice, she was. A petite little elderly woman who was always outside working on her lawn too. This was mainly because she didn't really have any family or friends.

I like to write, most of the time, after I've had a bad day or feel like I'm going to have a bad night. Sometimes I can write for hours and hours. Sometimes for minutes and I'm already sick of it. If I survive long enough to grow up, I want to be a writer. It's my dream to live in New York, in a small flat. I've been there before, that's why I'm so in love with it.

Anyways, most of the time I'm on my phone I'm just procrastinating something else. I read articles, watch YouTube, watch Netflix, read books, listen to music, watch music videos, listen to poetry, etc.

I try to write but sometimes I just can't. And then sometimes during school that's all I want to do. I can't write at school though. I would write by hand but then I write so much there is blisters on my hand. I would type it in the computers there but then it's on the computer and I'll get called down to the psychologist or something. I write some... "triggering" stuff. There's cutting, eating disorders, depression, etc. It's mainly about me. I don't share it with anyone, though. Nobody has ever read it. I didn't write back then so neither did... he.

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