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^I'm a Leo and honestly tRUE^
FYI Phil's room is where Dan's guest room is. And so when Phil looks out his window he can see Dan's window. Does that make sense?
Phil's POV

    When I had returned home Friday evening, my mums had been upset with me for skipping. I simply told them that Dan had some personal issues and he desperately needed someone to talk to. They let it slide, although they still weren't happy I skipped.

    That night I could hear Dan's father yelling at him in his room. I looked out my window to see two silhouettes of angry people arguing. I didn't hear Dan's voice, he was probably talking much quieter.

    The rest of the weekend passed by quickly, as they always do. Pj had come over Saturday night and left the following Sunday afternoon. He had asked where I had been on Friday, to which I replied "I was sick" and he accepted it. He apparently hadn't noticed that Dsn also hadn't been in school. If he had, he didn't connect the dots.

Before I knew it, it was Sunday night and I was dreading the idea of school the next day.

    Waking up Monday morning, I got ready and went out the door. It was a sunny day despite the poor whether of the weekend. Seeing as Pj wasn't there, I walked to school with Dan (which we always did whenever Pj wasn't there). He had asked if we could walk in separately though. He didn't want more people teasing him or for me to be bombarded with questions for hanging out with "the mind reading freak."

    Even though I had reminded him he wasn't a freak, I agreed that we could do that. I hung back as Dan walked in first. In science class he sat in his usual seat in the back and I sat in front. We could chose our seats, but we were sticking to our little plan.

    We would, however, text each other all the time over the next two weeks. I had to admit, getting to know Dan was amazing. He wasn't shallow like all the other people at school, he had a heart and I admired that. We had become great friends over that time.

We had a large science project coming up, to which I secretly wished I'd be partnered with Dan for.

Waking up on yet another Monday, two weeks after the first day with Dan, I was looking forward to see who I'd be partnered with for the science project that day. I got ready and quickly headed out the door, meeting Dan on the sidewalk. I walked to school with him and parted at the gate as we had been. He walked in first, as per usual, and I waited behind for a minute or two.

I walked in the gates to see Dan walking up ahead of me, dressed in his black clothing. I admired that he did it even though nobody else at school did. He felt comfortable in black clothing, so that's what he wore.

    I went into the school and did the usual: went to my locker, got my things, and walked off to science. I put my things on my desk and walked back out, giving a small smile to Dan, to which he returned.

Once outside I went to the second floor where the majority of the people where. Everyone hung out in the halls or another classroom before school officially started until the last second and then rushed off to class. I went to my usual friend group and hung out with them for ten minutes or so, and then went back to room 306 for science.

I sat in my seat, eager to see if my partner would be Dan. It was a small chance it would be, but at the same time, it was a small class. Mr. Joan went over the worksheet from the previous night before we started the discussion about the upcoming project.

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