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Dan's POV

I felt my eyes flash open as I heard the words "we're here." I knew who these men where and what they're intentions were. I may not have been able to hear their thoughts, but I still knew.

There were two possibilities. One, my dad saw me trying to contact Phil. I had, just once. I wrote him a letter but lost it somewhere in my home. My dad could've found it. Two, these people actually were with the government. I wasn't sure which one was reality, though. Either way, they didn't have good intentions.

I sat up as soon as I heard Phil's "we're here" and looked around. I was still in the militaristic looking limo. Phil's hands were on my face as if to hold it steady but he put them down now that I was awake. He looked at me reassuringly and we exited the vehicle.

I took note to the fact that I couldn't hear any of their thoughts. I hadn't been able to when they picked us up, either. They must have had some method of protecting their thoughts from me. Phil probably couldn't sense their feelings either.

We appeared to be in a parking garage of some sorts. It looked much more secure than a normal parking garage, though. The gate wasn't just a bar that rose up and down, but a electric fence with barb wire at the top. Next to it stood a guard who controlled its opening and closing.

Two men walked up to Phil and I, one to him and one to me. They patted us down, I assumed checking for weapons or something. I knew this was coming. I thought, rolling my eyes as the man reached my ankles. He rolled up my pant leg, pulling out the hunting knife I had. I'd been carrying it with me ever since my dad threatened Phil with his gang. The man backed away again, holding up the knife for the group to see. Phil looked at me, his mouth agape. The man patting down Phil backed away from Phil, unsurprisingly finding nothing.

The one who had found my knife tucked it inside of his suit and walked back to where he had been standing. He hadn't been in the limo with us and neither had the other who patted Phil down. They were guards that stood at the gate.

The men we had rode in the limo with started walking and we followed. Phil was still glancing at me, clearly surprised I had a knife. They walked in front of us, to the sides of us, and behind us. We walked through a door that had several more guards next to it and then we were inside. The floors were cement and the walls were very dark. I couldn't tell what material it was, but it looked tough.

We turned corners and walked down long hallways for several minutes. How big is this place? I thought. Eventually the two men in front of us walked into an office. The other men stationed themselves outside of the door.

I was just beginning to actually observe what each man looked like. The first was bald with gray-ish-brown eyebrows and appeared to be in his mid-30's. He was slightly shorter than Phil and I. But, then again, who wasn't? He was wearing the same black suit and tie as the rest.

The second man had a militaristic hair cut and chiseled stone features. Like the other man, he was slightly shorter than me and in his mid-30's. They both looked very serious as well.

The bald man stood at the back of the room while the other sat behind the desk. He gestured to the two chairs sat in front of it, wanting Phil and I to sit down. As we sat, he took a drink of a glass of water on the desk. There were two other cups sitting on it, but I thought I shouldn't drink it. First, it could have some sort of drug in it. Secondly, I saw in crime shows the way they took DNA off of drinks. I'm not sure what these guys would need our DNA for, but still. Phil seemed to think the same, because he made no move towards the glass.

Phil and I glanced at each other nervously. His eyes were filled with surprise, curiosity, confusion, and worry. Our eye contact was broken when the man behind the desk spoke up. "Would either of you like a drink?" He gestured to the two cups of ice water on the cherry wood desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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