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Downstairs of Dans house (I'll post Phils next chapter):

Downstairs of Dans house (I'll post Phils next chapter):

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Phil's POV:

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Phil's POV:

I stood up from my desk where my science homework was sprawled out st the sound of my mother calling my name. "Phil! We decided to make brownies for the Howells! They're ready!" I reached the bottom of the carpeted steps and headed into the kitchen. "Here sweetie, could you take these over to them?" My mum asked
"I don't think I poisoned them to bad..." my mother said with a laugh. I grinned at them.
"Yeah, of course I can." I picked up a large-ish plate of brownies, got my shoes on and headed outside. Before I closed the door behind me I called "Be back in a few minutes!"
The sun was beginning to go down and it was awfully cloudy which made it even more dark. It looked as though it was 8 or 9 PM but in reality it was only 7. I walked on the path to the pavement and then walked up the similar path to Dan's. I softly knocked on the door. A moment later Dan appeared. I briskly looked up at him, to make sure it was him, and then looked down at the plate of brownies I held in my hands.
"Oh, hey Dan. So my mums made these brownies for you. I guess they want you and I to be friends and-" He raised his hand upwards out of my peripheral vision. I paused momentarily, instinctively looking up to see what he was doing. I hadn't fully realized what I had seen until a few moments later. "Dan, are you, are you drunk??" He shrugged in response. I realized his eyes were red. He had been crying too? "And.... where you crying?" He just shrugged again. Only, this time, he started to fall backwards due to his lack of orientation. I quickly grabbed his shoulder. I stepped inside, setting down the plate of brownies on the nearest place possible. (The T.V. stand) I grabbed Dan's cold hand and pulled it over my neck so I could help him to the couch. I laid him down onto it and he raised the glass bottle to drink more. I took it away from him, walking to his kitchen which was visible from where I was standing. I dumped out the bottle and turned the sink on to wash it down. I heard a groan from Dan and... was that a sob? He must've heard it. I saw the bottle's cap on the island. I grabbed it and threw the bottle and cap on the garbage. I looked through a cabinet or two before I found where his cups were. I went to the sink and got him some water. I walked back into the living room by Dan, setting the cup on the coffee table. I was half sitting on the couch, half kneeling on the area rug.
    "Dan, where are your parents?" I spoke in a rushing tone, acting as if they would be home any second. I didn't want them walking into their house with the smell of vodka in the air, their son lying half awake on the couch, and a strange teenage boy sitting next to him.
    "Mums ah' woh-work. Dad is... I don' know." He slurred his words. I had never seen anyone wasted like this before. I had seen my mums tipsy, but they were careful about it. I guess they just didn't want me seeing them like that.
"Where's your room?" I asked quickly again. I wanted to get him up to bed so when his parents did arrive they would probably just think he went to bed early and leave him alone for the night.
"Why, Phillip, you aren't planning on taking advantage of me in this state are you?" He slurred his words again, only this time with a teasing drawl. My face flushed with embarrassment. I quickly shook my head and let out an I unintentional giggle. "It's uhpstairs." He gestured with his hand to the ceiling. I went up the steps and just looked into the first door I saw. It was Dan's. His room seemed to suit him. He had Muse posters, a T.V. and game counsel, bean bag chairs, and loads of black. I walked over to his bed, pulling back the black-white-grey checkered duvet cover and grey sheets.
    I returned back downstairs to Dan and put his arm around my shoulder again, walking him up the steps. I got him into his room and put him into the bed, pulling the blankets over him. I walked over to his windows and closed the curtains on each of them, eliminating the little amount of light that had shown through.
    I went back downstairs again because I'd realized I had forgotten his glass of water. When I came back into his room he had a puzzled look on his face but it disappeared when he noticed the water glass in my hand.
    "So, why were you drinking? And crying?" I was trying to sound as friendly as possible even though we were basically strangers. He just shrugged in response, like he had minutes earlier in the doorway. I gave him a look as if asking for a better answer.
    "Family issues." He answered. I decided not to prod further since we barely knew each other and it wasn't my place. His eyes started to drift shut and he mumbled "Thank you." I smiled wryly at him and walked out of his room, lightly closing the door behind me. As soon as the door shut a thought came to me. What are you feeling? I stood outside the door of his room, "tuning into" what he was feeling.
Empty. Lost. Numb
    I decided what I was doing wasn't right of me and stopped, shaking my head and walking downstairs. I looked around to make sure there weren't any bottles or anything like that anywhere. All clear.
   I went back outside. I didn't lock the door because I had noticed that before when Dan had opened it I didn't hear the click of a lock. I went back down the small path, across the pavement, and up the bit of paved path to my house.
    "I'm back, mum's." I called towards the kitchen.
    "Hey sweetie!" I heard mother call back. "You where over there for a little longer than planned, huh? Are you and Dan friends now? Did you trade chat-snaps?!" I couldn't help but laugh at her mistake because of how serious she sounded. She looked at me as if to say You know what I mean.
    "It's Snapchat Mother, not chat-snap." We all laughed. I, on the other hand, was still light,y thinking about what had just occurred in the house next door.
    "So, how did it go? Did you trade snapchats?" My mum asked, nudging mother with her arm to tease her.
    I laughed. "No, we didn't trade snapchats." I thought about what I would say as a quick lie. Don't go into detail. "We just... talked. He had a question on the science homework. Oh yeah! I've gotta go work on that." I ducked out of the kitchen. All though I was actually ahead of where I needed to be in science class, I didn't like lying to my mums and wanted to end the conversation.
    I got up to my room and plopped on the bed. I picked up my phone from where I'd left it on my nightstand and looked at it. 7:30 PM. Surprisingly, I was pretty tired. I messaged Pj and just talked with him until I eventually drifted into a deep sleep, intentionally forgetting to mention to him what had just happened with the boy next door.

A/N: hello again! I am shook-eth! Over 100 reads?! I never thought I'd get that much even though it's not that much😂
I'm having an amazing(phil) night. Thanks to one of my very close friends that helped me out with something I'm really happy☺️(shout out to you. You pret girl😂❤️)
Anyways I know this chapter is shorter than the previous ones. I just feel like this was a good place to leave off. Oh! Almost forgot: this chapter I'd released dans house layout because personally I love knowing the set and what's happening. Next chapter I'll try to make phils. I know I mentioned it at the very top, just a reminder. But since they take SOOOOO long, no promises! Anyways, thanks for reading❤️

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