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"Harry, you're stepping on my foot."

"What?" He glances down his boots. "Oh. Sorry." I move away but he steps with with me, trying to look casual. I groan as I look at my watch. We're already running late for our meeting with Dr Henderson because Harry was scared to use the power shower in my bathroom and wanted me to go in with him.

I might have been more open to the idea if he'd been all sexy when he was asking, but he was more like a petrified kitten.

"Harry." I sigh.


"You're doing it again."

"Oh. Oh right." He gives me a sheepish grin and shuffles his foot off mine. He doesn't move away though, so we're stood in the middle of an empty elevator with his chest squished against the side of my face.

"Harry!" I place my hands on his broad chest and step back. "Give me some space!" I gesture round the lift.

"Yes. Ok. Right-o." He steps away but keeps glancing at me and before I know it he's edged closer again.

"For gods sake, stop being so nervous."

"Oh well pardon me if the evil doctor who created me has decided that I'm not up to scratch and he's going to-"

"No one is going to do anything to you, ok? I won't let them." The doors ping open and I step out of the lift. "Come on you big dork we just have to explain-" Harry isn't beside me and when I turn I realise he's still in the lift, hammering the button to the floor above.

As quickly as I can shove the door open and pull him out.

"Look! If you're going to act like this then Doctor P is really going to think something is wrong." I frogmarch him down the hall and into the reception area. For a brief second we scuffle in the hall, before I grab him by his shirt, swing the door open and shove him into the room ahead of me.

To my surprise, Miss Barbie isn't at her desk. In her place, with one perfect eyebrow raised at mine and Harry's unusual entrance, is a stunning black girl that I've never seen before. She looks up both up and down before she seems to remember herself and her mouth opens in a wide smile.

"Welcome to the dream factory, where all your dreams come true-" I glance over at Harry, who's pouting like a toddler. Yeah, sure thing.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." I blow upwards, sending my fringe up in a wave. "We're here to see Dr Henderson."

Her lovely smile widens. "Oh that's great, my husband will be available in the next few minutes. I'll lead you to the waiting room."

Husband? I mouth at Harry. He doesn't seem to care that Dr P suddenly seems to have two wives though, he just shuffles closer to me again and I'm surprised when I feel his hand in mine. When I glance up at him I can see he really is worried. I curl my fingers tightly round his as we're shown into a waiting room.

There's another couple already in there, a small mousey looking girl and  a huge, muscular man. He looks like the dude they always have on the front of my grandmas cheesy romance novels.

I can't help but gawp as he's wearing a red silk shirt, unbuttoned to almost his navel and a huge gold medallion that's lost in the thick black hairs of his chest.

The girl blinks up at him from behind her large glasses before turning to me with a smile.

"Are you here with a faulty H batch too?" She asks breathlessly.

I glance at Harry and suddenly feel all protective. "He's not faulty." I say fiercely.

"Mine was." Her voice is gaspy and meek. "He was a nerd, a really geek." She says in disgust.

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