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I force one bleary eye open. Dave is stood on the pillow next to my head with his face just inches from mine. He meows loudly and a rotten gush of moldy cat breath is forced up my nostrils.

"Seriously dude?" I grimace in disgust, pulling the covers over my head. It's my day off and I want a decent lie in.

I'm just ignoring Dave pushing his paw repeatedly against my duvet covered head when suddenly it's ripped off me.

"What the hell?" I roar, sitting bolt upright. Mornings aren't exactly my thing at the best of times and even Harry's chirpy face can't make up for being woken up like that.

"Good morning Hendrix!"

"Jeez Harry." I mutter, closing my eyes against the light and scrabbling wildly for the edge of my duvet to pull back over my head. He sits on the bed next to me, pinning down the duvet with his long legs. I open one eye to scowl at him.

"I made you a cup of tea and some toast, but you have to get up now-"

"Why? It's my day off!"

"We're going shopping!" He says, as if he's just unveiled some great prize.

"What for?" I sip at my tea, groaning as I catch sight of us in the mirror opposite my bed. Harry looks utterly gorgeous while I look like the love child of the girl from The Ring films and Frankenstein.

"It's the Dream factory barbecue in three days-"

"Hang on." I sigh, putting my teacup down. "I never actually said that I wanted to go."

"But I do." Harry pouts and his lips look so pink and perfect that I stare at them for a second.

"But what about Juan?" I sigh, pulling my eyes away from his cute pouty face. "Do you really want to spend a Sunday afternoon with a bunch of meat heads like him?"

"They might not all be like that." He turns to look me in the eye. "I want to see more of them... To see if I'm really that different and just to.." He shrugs and it hits me that due to the fùcked up way he was created, the other embryos are the closet thing he has to relatives.
Even Dr P said that when something goes wrong with a batch, the DNA is broken back down and fed back into the pods.

I don't want to ask Harry directly about his reasons for wanting to go because then he'd have to blurt out the truth. He'll tell me if he wants to.

"I got £30 for the cake I made." Harry says suddenly.

"Oh well done!"

"So I thought we could go shopping today and I would use it to buy you an outfit for the barbecue."

"That's all the money you have in the world Harry." I say softly.

"I don't care. I want to spend it on you."

I look at his eager, pure face and for some reason I want to cry.

"Right in the feels there Harry."I croak.

He frowns cluelessly and I know for a fact that we will end up going shopping today. We will end up going to the BBQ. We'll even end up going to my uni ball because he's just too damn cute to say no too.


Harry has spend half an hour trying to convince me to go into a wedding dress shop to buy a dress for the barbecue. He can honestly see no reason why I can't go to the stupid event dressed like Cinderella.

I was just going to buy myself a pair of jeans but he was so disappointed that I'm not going to swan around in a £1000 wedding dress that I ended up buying a cheap maxi dress. In a now regrettable fit of kindness I even let him choose the colour and of course he chose his Hufflepuff colour of yellow.

So now I'm going to meet a load of weirdos in a field and eat burned meat while dressed like a canary.


I wouldn't let Harry pay for the dress but he insisted on buying me a little ring from an overpriced market stall. It's probably made from tin and will turn my skin green but after how happy he looked when he presented it to me I know I'll treasure it forever.

Finally, I steer him into a pub to get some food. Once we've ordered I sit back with a sigh. I hate shopping.

"I was thinking we could go to the pictures tonight Hendrix-"

"Oh!" I shake my head, suddenly remembering. "I always meet Charlie in the pub on a Thursday night. Hey, you can come with us."

Harry looks as though I've just told him that I usually work at a strip club on a Thursday night.

"Charlie." He says sourly.

"Harry..." I say warningly. "The way you acted was appalling! It was so embarrassing."

"While you were in the bathroom he said horrible things about you." He says suddenly. "I didn't want to tell you at the time."

"Harry." I look right into his eyes. "Is that true?"

"No." He blurts, slapping his hand over his mouth, too late.

"Harry! You can't just tell lies about people like that!" I gasp in shock. He turns his head away from me, scowling at his own inability to lie.

"We're not going to manage very well if you get all silly and jealous." I sigh. He doesn't respond and I sit back as the waiter brings our food. Harry can't stay in a bad mood for more that 2 minutes.

He's just eaten his first forkful when he suddenly begins to talk about his cake baking ideas. Despite myself, I smile as I watch him. His hair is a messy halo of curls around his head and he gestures as he talks.
I love the way his lips curl out over certain words and when he smiles his eyes light up and those dimples crease his entire face in happiness.

When he really laughs he shakes his head and covers his face with his hand and when he's thinking about something he tugs at his lip thoughtfully.

He's so unaware of just how lovely he is.

Damn. He's been with me for 6 weeks but already I can't imagine life without him.


AN- Ok, really short chapter. I'm realllllyyy excited for the BBQ chapter which is coming... Expect some stereotypical romance characters to be in attendance. One of them being Juan, of course, but there will be others that you may recognise.... 🙈😉 ten points to your Hogwarts house if you can recognise them when they appear....

Speaking of which, what's your Hogwarts house? I'm Griffindor.

If you're unsure you can find out at playbuzz Pottermore quiz. JK Rowling created the quiz so it's legit fam 😉

Hope you enjoyed this mini chapter. I would like to dedicate it to @__fallingangel__ thank you so much for your amazing enthusiasm in this story, I love your supportive comments 💖 and I've just checked out your profile and we share sooooooo many fandoms. Love ya even more 🙈❤️

Ok. I'll shut up now.

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