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My phone pings again and Charlie raises his eyebrows at me. The library is silent and despite the low ring tone, it echoes across the room.

"Someone is popular today."

"It's nothing." I smile unconvincingly as I check my facebook again.

After we all left the barbecue at the weekend the guys said they all wanted to keep in touch, seeing as they are a kind of weird family. We discussed it over breakfast and Liam, being the most savvy and least clueless of the boys, suggested they all set up facebook accounts.

I should have foreseen the problems with this.

Harry's profile picture is of him and Niall doing a duck face pout, which I initially found kinda cute but has now become the bane of my life, given that it pops up next to a new notif every two seconds.

So far this morning Harry has tagged me in two of my baby pictures that he must have found lurking somewhere in my flat and and a extreme close up picture of me in bright lighting, just waking up and looking like a scarecrow that he snapped the other morning

I don't actually mind so much. One thing that's really worried me is that Harry might not be getting to socialise with enough people outside of his coffee morning grannies. He was so happy to meet the other Dream Factory lads and it was so refreshing that he could just be himself that I found myself somehow agreeing to regular meet ups.

My phone pings again and Charlie raises his eyebrows.

"It's just facebook." I mutter.

"Don't worry, I wish I was half as popular." He grins. "Still up for a study session this week?"

"Are you sure?" I sigh. Harry makes our study sessions as hellish as he possibly can.

"Yeah, of course. I'm determined to make a friend outta him." Charlie laughs. "I'll just keep trying to win him over."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be. I get the feeling he's a kinda sweet dude under all that oddness."

"He is." I pause, toying with the straps on my bag. "Charlie can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He looks up from his book with a slight frown on his face.

"Why did you tell Harry that we kissed each other?" Charlie and I don't usually talk about it, but it's been playing on my mind.

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