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"You're crazy." Grace shakes her head and lowers her latte slowly into its saucer. "Do you have any idea how many things could go wrong-"

"I know, but it's not like I have much choice! Dad isn't going to let this drop and if I don't turn up with someone to be Harry's dad tonight then he's going to start getting suspicious."

"Liam though?" She sighs. "I don't know about this, Hendrix. He's not great with other people, he might be able to lie but he's not so hot at reading people. You know all this, all of the guys are the same..."

"I don't have much choice." I mutter again, thinking nervously ahead to tonight. "I just can't believe that I'm taking Mr Grey to dinner pretending to be Harry's dad-"

"Oh, he's nothing like Christian Grey really." Grace laughs and waves her hand dismissively. "Well, he hasn't got the tragic background for one thing and I kinda think that's a main part of Grey being who he is, isn't it?"

"I don't know, I've never read it."

"You've never read fifty shades?!?" Grace practically shrieks. "Damn girl, you're missing out! Don't let Harry read them though, the poor boy sounds terrified at the idea of sex without delving into that." She laughs and I can't help but shake my head at the idea of poor, innocent Harry reading the 50 shades books.

"So Liam isn't like Grey?"

"No. Well, sorta." She shrugs. "He's quite dominant and charming and all that stuff you're probably thinking of, but he's different to how I thought he was going to be. Dr Henderson warned me that the embryos had their own personality. I thought I was going to get a carbon copy of Grey, but I didn't. Liam might be dominant in bed and with other things... But he's also nothing like what I thought he would be. He's super romantic, he always wakes before me and leaves me a little handwritten poem on my pillow every morning, and he likes to have my bath and meal ready for when I get home from work. He talks to me about his emotions and wants to hear about mine.... But I guess my perfect partner would be Christian Grey in the bedroom, Ryan Gosling though the day." She cackles. "And the Dream Factory  gives you exactly what you want I guess. I've never been so happy or felt so well matched to anyone as Liam."

I nod, toying with the spoon by the side of my cup.

"But I suppose all this isn't helping you." She sighs. "Liam is willing to come tonight but I can't guarantee that he's going to behave in the way you want him too."

"It's just a good job he looks old enough."

"Ah, well. I like an older man. Im 31 myself and I didn't want a toyboy-"

"You don't look 31!" I say in surprise. I genuinely assumed she was closer in age to me. She grins and takes another long sip at her coffee.

"That's why I went in for the Dream Factory. I figured that I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain, I've spent years dating losers. The only thing I demanded was that he looked older than me, I don't know how they aged him but they did..." She smiles. "Anyway, tonight then. Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? It's not a great idea..."

"I don't have much choice." I say gloomily.


"Just remember to call Liam 'Dad'."

Harry nods and begins to mutter 'Dad' repeatedly under his breath. I notice Liam roll his eyes slightly. The rain is hammering down so hard that our taxi is barely crawling through the streets.

"And Liam?" I try to sound polite but when his impatient gaze flicks to me I feel myself blush slightly. "Just, like, remember Harry is your son. And that you like me a lot, as his housemate only."

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