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"So you remember what we've been practicing?"

"Yes." Harry nods firmly.

"Ok... One more time." I watch as Harry bites into his toast and marmalade then nods seriously. "Right. Harry, where are you from?"

"The Drea..." He clenches his teeth his lips twist practically a full circle. I hold my breath. "M-M-Manchester." He gasps, not without effort.

"That's it." I try to smile. "You didn't lie see, not really. I mean, sure, you're from the Dream Factory, but it is in Manchester."

He smiles happily as he sips his tea and bites into his toast again. I try to keep my worries to myself.

As well as trying to contend Harry's inability to lie, he's also incredibly innocent and doesn't seem to see any issue with saying exactly what's on his mind.

All of this is fine and just one of his quirks, but with the Dream factory reviewer person coming out today, it's quite nerve-wracking.

We're at a disadvantage because Harry is already 'faulty' and I'm trying to prove that it's all ok.

"How old are you, Harry?"

"Three months." He says quickly, before slapping his hand over his mouth.

"It's fine." I say weakly. I'm just about to tell him how we could pass that off as a joke when the doorbell goes.

Harry's eyes widen and stands up, toast halfway to his mouth.

"It's alright." I take a deep breath and head for the front door. "You'll be fine."

The woman standing on the step has the most disapproving face I've ever seen. In contrast with all of the ultra sexy, gorgeous dream factory employees I've met so far, this one has her hair pulled into a tight bun and is glaring at me as if I've just told her I like to murder people in my spare time.

"Heyyy!" I bare my teeth in an attempt at a grin. She nods curtly then the bitch really pisses me off by stepping past me as if I'm a maid and she has the right to just enter my house without speaking to me.

I stretch my fake smile to absolute aching point and follow her into the main room. Harry is standing near the sofas, nervously shifting from foot to foot and my heart lurches when I see he's holding his Dobby figure like a good luck charm.

Right in the feels there Harry brah.

He's terrified that they'll take him away or harm him in some way and not for the first time, I think how much I hate the Dream Factory and how fûcked up it is.

"Harry, Janet." She says curtly.
Harry frowns for a second before he realises that she's called Janet and she's not calling him HarryJanet.

We sit on the couches and it quickly becomes evident that this interview will be exactly what we were dreading. She fires off questions before Harry can think about blurting anything out.

"Harry. How old are you?"

"Three months-" he blurts rapidly, looking at me helplessly. She nods, looking satisfied that this quick answer has passed whatever test she had in mind.

"Are you happy here?"


"Do you find Hendrix to be a good match?"


"Do you ever wish you'd been matched with someone else?"


"Do you find yourself sexually attracted to females you have encountered other than Hendrix?"

"No. I can see that they're attractive-"

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