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AN- Love to lunarahx who sent me this hilariously cute design that she made, it's at the top of the chapter. I love it. LOOK AT DAVE 😂😂😂


If I was annoyed with myself for letting Harry off the hook so easily, that feeling quickly disappeared when he emerged from the bathroom in his Hufflepuff PJs, rubbing his eyes tiredly and smiling at me. He's so innocent and so stupidly happy to be home that I couldn't stay angry with him.

He told me that he kissed Jenna (or rather, let her kiss him) because he was angry that I 'kissed' Charlie. That just annoyed me even more but I tried to bite it back and explain to him that you can't do stuff like that because you're angry, you have to talk it out and let people explain before you react. It's hard because I want to lash out and be pissed off, but I'm aware that he doesn't get these things.

Not for the first time, I think that the Dream Factory can't possibly prepare its 'products' for the complexity of being with humans who have already had a lifetime of emotions to build them and a society that has already developed their sense of right and wrong.

I think he understood, but he was concentrating pretty hard on shoving takeaway pizza into his face at the time.

Dave was in a state of absolute ecstasy to have him home. After a good few minutes throwing his fat body round Harry's legs while purring like a broken lawnmower, he settled between us, mainly on Harry's lap. When I reached over to touch Harry's arm while we were talking, Dave actually hissed at me. Git.

It took some moving to get the other Dream factory boys out of the flat when we got home too. They had found the 2 bottles of whisky I got last Christmas and decided to open them.

It wasn't a pretty sight.

Niall was teaching Robert and Louis to Irish dance and they'd knocked over several ornaments and kicked Dave in the process.

Despite his bad-boy image, Zayn was curled up asleep in my bed. The only way to get rid of them was to call their 4 very annoyed girlfriends to come and collect them in the middle of the night. Louis' girlfriend, Effie, was especially mortified and told me not to call on him again if I was just intending on getting him steaming drunk.

Still. Harry's home now. I glance over to his side of the room. He's curled up asleep on his camp bed, barely hanging on to the edge as Dave occupies the entire bed. Harry's arm is curled loosely round him and I swear Dave is smirking at me.

I glare at Dave. Like damn, who else is gonna try to steal this little frog from me?


I've quickly discovered that Harry has brought back a very annoying habit from Jenna's.


Like actual, pull on trainers, head outside into the cold air and move really fast.

At 5AM.

When I wasn't exactly willing to get up, Harry lightly suggested that he could call on Jenna to run with him instead, and that moved my fat ass outta that bed as if I'd been electrocuted.

You know when you think you hate something, but it turns out that you love it and are actually really skilled at it?

Well yeah, that didn't happen.

I was out of breath before we even reached the bottom of the stairwell and Harry annoyed me by jogging happily on the spot as he waited for me to catch my breath. He was wearing a black Lycra body suit, baggy white t-shirt, neon sweatbands and an annoyingly alert expression.

"I was just thinking a couple of laps around the park?" He said cheerily as I clutched my side.

A couple of laps around the park??? Boi, I just nearly died walking down the stairs!

I'm about to voice this when Harry says innocently, still jogging rapidly, that Jenna usually outpaces him. With a snarling grin I set off in the direction of the park.


And so it is that I find myself here. I can't move. Every part of my body aches. I've been sat on the couch for the past 2 hours as Harry happily potters on around me, baking his cakes and hovering. I don't think I'll ever be able to move again, actually.

Obviously, Usain Bolt doesn't have to worry about me stealing his crown. A mild jog through the park has nearly hospitalised me.

I'm just regaining feeling in my lower legs when Harry appears beside me looking very nervous. In his hand in a silver envelope with spidery writing scrawled across it. My heart sinks but I try to smile as I take it off him.

Dear Miss Davis,

Your next appointment is scheduled for 10:30AM on 23 November. Both you and your product must be available for full interview so that we can ascertain your progress so far.

In addition, we must kindly remind you that your next insurance and maintenance payment of £1054 is now overdue. Payment details can be found over-leaf. You can also call us to discuss payment options with one of our team, who will be happy to help.

Have a wondrous day.

The Dream Factory,
Where all your dreams come true.

Harry is looking at me nervously, waiting to hear what the letter says. I manage to smile.

"Isn't that cake for this afternoon?" I force a grin, pointing to the Corpse Bride creation that's half completed on the counter.

"Yes, they said they'll collect it after three.. But Hendrix-"

"It's fine. Honestly. Finish your cake Harry."

I wait until he's turned away before kicking my feet hard against the couch in anger.

Another damn interview with the crappy Dream Factory, and this time I'll have to try and get Harry to hide his kiss with Jenna...

Plus another thousand pounds from my account. How the hell am I going to explain this to Dad?

This is such a mess.

Harry is humming happily to himself and when he catches my eye he stops fiddling with icing to blow me a kiss and wink at me.

Harry has taken over my life.

This is about to get so messy... But as I look at him, even while I'm thinking about how complicated this is about to get... I know I wouldn't change him for the world.

Damn him and his cute lil dimpled frog face.


AN- There was a delay here because I had accidentally published the wrong chapter last time 😬 I fully wrote two chapters, finished a late shift at work and merrily published the wrong one. It's all cool tho...

Dedicated tooooo @lunarahx who sent me the image at the top of the chapter. It made me laugh so much, like damn it's so cute 😂😂 Show this girl some love 💖🙈😆

It's snowing so hard outside my window rn but I'm on my way to lovely Spain tomorrow and leaving freezing North England behind. Will probably write an update on the journey ❤️❤️

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