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Harry is having the time of his life.
Him and the hippie dude, Niall, are sat cross-legged on the grass deep in discussion. I roll my eyes when I notice that Harry has acquired a tye-dye headband that's tied messily around his head.

I keep trying to make eye contact with Abby, Nialls girl, but she seems happy just staring up at sky and humming to herself. I'm feeling a little out of place now that Grace has disappeared back to the house with Liam. Everyone is just grouped together with their partner.

The least approachable couple is Zayn and Kathy by far. She looks really uptight and bossy while he just glares round at everyone. The other girl, Effie, is laid in the branch of one of the trees while Louis kneels below her, clutching his hat to his chest and quoting poetry and making declarations of love.

I glance round, looking for the girl with the vampire guy. It takes my eyes a minute to adjust to the gloom under the trees.

Susan has given up trying to get him out of the shade and is leaning against a tree, popping gum and scrolling through her phone as Robert stands in the shade and stares mournfully into the distance, pouting his lips.

I'm not crazy enough to try and approach Juan and Marcia who are still locked together and rolling round and round the garden bumping into walls.

I sigh to myself and begin to pile up some food from the table in the middle. The barbecue itself isn't until later on but I'm already starving. I'm just stuffing my third sandwich in my mouth when a skinny guy in uniform appears and asks us in a loud voice to follow him back to the house. It takes a while to round everyone up and we all  troop behind him. I'm just being jostled between a passionate glaring competition between Zayn and Juan when a cool, large palm slips into mine and I'm pulled gently backwards.

"Careful." Harry smiles down at me. "I don't really fancy jumping into a fight between those two to save you."

"Faint heart never won fair lady!" Louis admonishes him, adjusting his little shorts pompously.

"Nah man, you don't want to be fighting. Spread the love." Niall says from the other side of us, flicking his glossy hip length hair. He presses his hands together and bows to me, then Harry. "Namaste."

With that he takes Abby's hand and disappears down a short corridor to their room. We leave Susan trying to pull Robert into their room and carry on. Zayn and Kathy slink off quietly.

At the next door Louis whips off his cape and flings it under Effie's feet.

"My lady." He says quietly, bowing before her as she steps into the room giggling.

Finally, we reach the last two doors and I realise with a sinking heart that out room is directly next to Juan and Marcia's. Juan sweeps Marcia into his arms and kicks his door open. We watch as he throws her onto the bed and slams the door shut behind him.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I sigh to Harry, staring between the door that's just slammed behind Juan and ours.

"What are you thinking?" Harry says, confused.

I shake my head and push open the door to our room. The first thing we both notice is that there is only one bed. I'm just glancing round at how small the room is when Harry's voice comes from behind me.

"I'll sleep on the floor Hendrix, I don't mind."

"No." I turn to shrug at him as he stands awkwardly in the doorway. "We'll just have to share the bed, you can't sleep on the floor."

"Okay." He coughs, his voice sounding a little deep than usual. His cheeks look a little pink too. He moves awkwardly around the room, almost as if he feels like an intruder.

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