Part 3

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    „Hay, Alec. " „Hay..." Magnus cleared his throat:" Oh, I'm sorry Magnus. This is Luis. He came to us and is from the institute in Italy." Then he faced Luis:" This Is Magnus Bane. High Warlock of Brooklyn." Luis held out his hand:" Hallo Mr. Bane." Had Magnus heard that correctly? He was only the High Warlock of Brooklyn? Magnus shook his head alittle and pushed these thoughts away. Then he took Luis' hand and shook it:"Hallo." He was monotone and numb. Alec still smiled:" So? What kind of mission do we have?" Luis gave documents to Alec and their hands were streaming:" Thank you. I need to bring something in my office and then I will come to you and the others. Magnus, let's go." Magnus followed Alec and it didn't escape him that Luis stroke Alec' arm gently when Alec went past him and it was no accident. Magnus felt how the feeling of jealousy took him over but he tried to ignore it. He knew that Alec would never betray him like that. It was a dump thought:"What do you want to do when I'm back?" Alec opened the door to his office:" I think I want to-" When the door was open and they stood in the office Magnus' mouth stood open:" What is...that?" He pointed to the desk and again there stood a big flower bouquet. This time it was with black tulips with a little, silver card. Alec took it and his eyes went wide when he read the text:" What is written on it?" Alec didn't answered:" What .Is. Written. On. It. Alexander!?"Alec was nervous and wanted to rip it apart when Magnus took it away from him:"- Alexander, you and I know that we are connected in passion.-" Magnus' jealousy got higher and higher and he wanted to hit someone or something:"Magnus?" But Magnus didn't answered. He snapped his fingers and the flowers stood in flames:" And? Do you still think they are beautiful?" Alec couldn't say anything because Magnus opened a portal and went through it:" Magnus wai-"Alec wanted to stop him but it was to late. The portal was closed.   

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