Part 7

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    -Alec POV-
Alec and the others finally finished the mission. The whole time he thought about Magnus. He really needed to talk to him. It was late but he couldn't wait any longer. Alec decided to write Magnus a massage because he wanted to talk to him so he could apologize. He was so nervous that his heart bead very fast but no answer:" Alec?" Alec was frightened. It was Luis. When Alec looked at him Luis laid his hand on Alec' shoulder:" Are you better now?" Alec sighed and let his eyes wonder onto the ground:" So not." He patted him carefully on the shoulder. Suddenly Alec's phone vibrated and his face was full with hop but it was fast replaced with disappointment. Magnus only answered that he don't want to see him today. His body got tense and his heard skipped a beat. His eyes were empty and he looked into the emptiness. Luis wanted to know what's wrong with Alec and took his phone. He read the massage and his eyes widened:" What's that?" But Alec said nothing. As soon as Luis looked to Alec he could see how sad he was and how much Magnus' words hurt him. He narrowed his brows, turned the phone off and put it in his pocket:" Okay. That is enough." When he held up Alec' head he could look into the beautiful hazel eyes:" Alec, it's not your fault. He needs to apologize, not you." Alec cleared his throat and Luis rolled his eyes:" We have to distract you. So you can clear your head and calm down." Alec was unsure:" But-" "No, no, no. Both of you are confused right now. Tomorrow you two can talk in peace. Believe me." Luis smiled gently at him:" O...okay." Alec didn't know if this was the right thing but Luis was right. Alec was really confused about Magnus and maybe this night could clear his head. And Magnus clearly said that he don't want to see him today and he doesn't want to upset him more.

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