Part 27

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    As much Alec liked to tease Magnus he doesn't want to torture him any longer. Alec loosened the grip at Magnus' member. Now both his hands lay on Magnus' hips again:" Your wish is my command. I would do everything for you whatever your wish may be." He pressed his member gently against Magnus' entrance. Adrenaline poured through their bodies. Carefully Alec pushed inside Magnus. Alec and Magnus moaned at the same time and enjoyed that they were together again. When Alec was fully inside Magnus he leaned forward and let one of his hands slideover Magnus' back until Magnus felt a seductively shiver:" Are you ready?" Alec whispered and Magnus could only nod. Slowly Alec began to move his lower body back and forth. He wanted that Magnus get used to the feeling again. Alec doesn't wanted to hurt him and he wanted Magnus to feel safe to 100%. The air was filled with their head and they let themselves fall into their passion:"Alexander, faster...please..." And again Alec obeyed Magnus and moved faster. Sometimes he pulled his member out and Magnus moaned louder because of the empty feeling and he moaned again when Alec pushed inside again. Magnus couldn't think clearly anymore. Both felt like they were in trance and both doesn't noticed anything around them beside the heat and touches from each other, the kisses on the skin and the burning feeling inside their bodies. They moaned loudly, breathed heavenly and their skin was pressed against each other so there was no space between them:" Alexander, I'm...I'm close..." "Yeah, me too..."Magnus came without getting touched at his member. A few more pushes later Alec came, too. Alec' arms were wrapped around Magnus' upper body and he supported him with them. Alec hugged Magnus tightly and they stayed in this position fora few minutes just to hold on at this pure and perfect moment:" I love you,Alexander." Magnus was so out of energy that he could barely speak. Alec gave him a kiss on the back:" And I love you."    

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