Part 23

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    Magnus cleared his throat and saw how Alec buried his face into his hands and cried silently. Immediately when Magnus saw it he knelt before him and cupped Alec' hands with his own and leaned his forehead against his lovers:" Alexander..." He whispered lovely but full with grief, too:" I'm so, so sorry. I...I..." Also Magnus' eyes were filled with tears and they rolled down his cheeks. When Alec heard the grief and regret in his voice he looked up to Magnus and locked his eyes with Magnus' eyes. He didn't want to see Magnus like that. All this time he got hurt so bad because of Alec. Alec looked into Magnus' gentle face still with tears in his own eyes. This was the face he missed for such a long time.With one hand Alec stroked over Magnus' cheek and with the other one he held his hands and pressed it gentle:" No, Magnus. I'M sorry. I led him hurt you so much and nearly I lost you. Please, don't cry." They looked so deeply into each other's eyes and saw what they longed for the whole time they were separated. The infinite and immortal love they felt for each other and bound them for eternity. Magnus smiled and laid one of his hands on Alec' neck:" Let's say that we are both sorry, okay?" When Alec heard the lovely and familiar voice a smile formed on his lips and he nodded. Magnus stood up and held out his hand.Alec grabbed it and Magnus helped him up. As soon as they were facing each other Alec hugged Magnus tightly. Magnus stroked with his hands over Alec' back and felt how he trembled:" Alexander, what...what is wrong?" " I was so afraid to lose you. Magnus, I'm nothing without you. You mean everything to me, more than my own life. I was lost without you... Please don't let go of me... never. And let me so deep into your heart so I never lose myself and that I can't get lost again...Please." Alec pressed Magnus tighter against his body and Magnus replied it immediately. Their Bodies were warm:" Never, my angel." He whispered sweetly into Alec' ear.   

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