Part 11

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    An unpleasant silence filled the room. Alec wanted to say so much to Magnus but he couldn't get out any words and Magnus stands there as of petrified. His brain couldn't understand what he saw a few seconds ago. Magnus only felt how his heart broke into thousand pieces. Quickly Alec got dressed and went to Magnus:"Magnus, I..." Alec wanted to take his hand but Magnus pulled it away and said barely audible:" How could you..." Alec heard the sadness and desperation in his lover's voice. Magnus' gaze wondered over to Luis. He already got dressed. Around Magnus' hand, blue sparks formed and his cateyes showed up. When he looked at Luis Magnus was full with anger. As he lifted his arm to attack him with all his magic Alec got in the way:" Magnus! Don't do this..." Magnus hesitated but it was hard for him. The words felt like stitches in his heart. How could Alec protect and defend this dirtbag? For Magnus this was a clear statement:" Go away, Luis. Now...." Without hesitation Luis left the loft. Now Alec and Magnus were alone. Magnus let his hand down again but he couldn't look into Alec' face and went into the living room. He looked out of the window. The scene he saw couldn't be true. It must be a dream. His Alexander would never do this to him.He would never betray him. His stomach was full with anger and hatred but also with sadness and disappointment. Magnus thought that Alec was different. Different from all the other Shadowhunters and creatures he opened his heart to but he was wrong. Magnus felt that Alec stood behind him. He felt his warmth and his unique aura. Magnus heard that Alec came near him:" Don't touche me...!"Alec stood still:" Magnus, please...I...I would never...This..." Alec couldn't find the right words because he himself didn't remembered what happened and the uncertainty took over. He was confused but deep down he knew that he would never hurt Magnus in such a disgusting way. Right?     

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