Part 24

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    Magnus looked into Alec' eyes and hat a bright smile on his face:" I love you, Alexander Lightwood for eternity and longer." Alec felt how pure satisfaction and passion pored through his body. He smiled at least so bright like Magnus:"And I love you, Magnus Bane for eternity and longer." Both their lips found their way to each other and first they exchanged gentle and soft kisses. Then they got even more passionate and devotional. Alec' hands lay on Magnus' waistand he pressed him against his waist. Magnus' hands still lay on Alec' back.They founded their way under his shirt and stroke over the bare skin. When Alec felt the warm fingers on his skin he had Goosebumps all over his body. When he thought about it he blushed a little bit but that wasn't important. The only important thing was that he was together with Magnus. Their kisses got more intensive and the lust took control over them. With his hands Magnus pushed the shirt up and pulled it over his head.Alec felt his breath on his neck lightly until Magnus' lips touched the deflect rune. Magnus gave kisses to it and bite it gently. Alec couldn't hold back a moan. Alec led go of Magnus' waist and pulled the shirt over his head, too. The necklaces around the warlocks' neck were pulled up, too and tinkled as they fell back on the naked chest. Alec loved the familiar sound. While Magnus caressed the rune Alec closed his eyes and enjoyed the affection to the fullest extent. He himself let his hands wonder over Magnus' naked upper body and his muscles and Magnus couldn't hold back soft moans, too. Magnus' skin was soft and warm. Alec longed for this feeling, the feeling of love and passion. When his hands reached the pants he felt his lover's hard member. He couldn't hold backa playful smile. With one hand he stroke over Magnus' back of head and with the other one he opened the button and zipper. Magnus gasped lightly when he felt it and Alec whispered seductively in his ear:" Now I show you HOW sorry I'm,Mags.".   

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