Part 18

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    "What do you mean by that? " Simon was surprised:" I mean the thing with the party and the hangover." Jace was impatient and grabbed Simon's shirt:" What. Do.You. Mean. Simon!" Simon pushed his hands away:" It's okay. No reason to get violent." Jace sighed angrily:" In the mundane world it can happen if you are not careful enough when celebrating. Someone put something into your drink and after that you feel sick. For example you feel dizzy or black out. You don't have any control of your own body and the next day you can't remember anything. But I don't think that something like that can happen to a Shadowhunter. You don't react like Mun-" Jace didn't let Simon finish his sentence and stormed past him. He was full with anger. Izzy thanked Simon and followed Jace. She knew exactly where her brother was going and she was right. He stormed into Luis' room. When she walked into it, too Jace held him by his collar and shouted at him:" What have you done to Alec!? He hadn't control over anything! EVERYTHING that happened was...without his permission! Tell me what happened! What the f**ck have you done to my brother?!" Luis didn't had a chance to loosen his grip. He couldn't say anything because Jace punched him into his face:" Come on! Open your mouth!" Izzy held Jace' arm:" Let go of him. He can't say anything if you punch him untill he is dead." Jace took a deep breath and tried to control his anger. He sat Luis down on a chair. Izzy closed the door and now both stood in front of Luis with crossed arms:" Talk. We visited the club andwe know to 100% that Alec NEVER said yes to anything." Luis grinded:" I know.So, we kissed, we went home together, I pulled off his clothes. What happened that happened." Jace clenched his hands to fists and wanted to punch him again. What had he done to Alec:" Do you want to know EVERYTHING or to beat me todeath?" Jace held back his frustration and anger and Luis explained everything.   

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